The life of the scientific program Financial modelling of the Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne is organized around a research seminar from January to June. The seminar takes place online (via the zoom plateform) and/or on the 6th floor of the MSE building (Maison des Sciences Economiques, 106, boulevard de l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris). During each seminar, original research papers are presented.
The seminar invites French and International scholars and practitioners to present their ongoing research in all the aspects of financial modelling.
The seminar is organized in partnership with CNRS and Panthéon-Sorbonne University.
CONTACT: Christophe Chorro, Olivier Guéant , Isabelle Nagot
Yelena Mejova (ISI Foundation Turin)
Title: Tracking opinion echo chambers in social media and advertising
Abstract: ISI Foundation is a scientific institute in Turin, Italy, performing research at the forefront of Complex Systems Science, Network Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Computational Social Science. In this talk, I will introduce our work in Computational Social Science wherein we track public opinion and possible attempts to influence it on social networks. First, vaccine hesitancy has been a recent battleground for public health practitioners, political pundits, and social media influencers. It presents a unique opportunity to study the role of communication technologies on opinion formation, the algorithmically-induced echo chambers, and the effect of persuasive techniques, including mis- and dis-information. Second, we will turn to advertising and the possible targeting of audiences around political issues such as immigration and COVID-19. We will also explore online advertising as a demographic tool for even wider applications.
Bio: Yelena Mejova is a Senior Research Scientist at the ISI Foundation in Turin, Italy, working in the area of Data Science for Social Impact and Sustainability. Specializing in social media analysis and mining, her work concerns the quantification of health and wellbeing signals in social media, as well as tracking of social phenomena, including politics and news consumption. Since 2023, she is a co-Editor-in-Chief of EPJ Data Science. Previously as a scientist at the Qatar Computing Research Institute, Yelena was a part of the Social Computing Group working on computational social science, especially as applied to tracking real-life health signals. Her papers received best paper awards at numerous ACM conferences, including GoodIT (2023), CHI (2021), UMAP (2019), and CIKM (2013).
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ID de réunion: 935 1428 8864
Code secret: 518858
Roberto Savona (University of Brescia )
Title: SYRTO project a few years later
Abstract: The talk will outline the major results from the EC-funded project SYRTO ( on financial systemic risk, also discussing the following research developments which led to the spin-off SYRTO S.r.l. ( whose proprietary algorithm transforms numbers (balance sheet data of non financial firms) into financial topographic maps. .
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ID de réunion: 968 9279 3109
Code secret: 159612
Samuel Cohen (Oxford)
Title: Calibration of Hawkes-like processes for LOBs
Abstract: One of the common families of models for high-frequency data is self-exciting processes, such as Hawkes processes. Except in the memoryless case, these processes are generally not Markov, and their calibration to data is delicate and computationally challenging. In this talk we will explore a gradient-descent algorithm for calibration, which allows for a wide variety of models to be considered. We will also apply this to limit-order-book data, and see that some of the classic `stylized facts' of
these models may be simply due to artifacts of calibration.
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ID de réunion: 923 8620 5474
Code secret: 915532
Zhenjie REN (Paris Dauphine)
Title: Self-interacting approximation to McKean-Vlasov long time limit
Abstract: Motivated by the mean-field optimization model of the training of two-layer neural networks, we propose a novel method to approximate the invariant measures of a class of McKean-Vlasov diffusions. We introduce a proxy process that substitutes the mean-field interaction with self-interaction through a weighted occupation measure of the particle's past. If the McKean-Vlasov diffusion is the gradient flow of a convex mean-field potential functional, we show that the self-interacting process exponentially converges towards its unique invariant measure close to that of the McKean-Vlasov diffusion. As an application, we show how to learn the optimal weights of a two-layer neural network by training a single neuron.
Joint work with Kai Du, Florin Suciu, Songbo Wang
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ID de réunion: 967 3597 7062
Code secret: 866466
Philippe Bergault (Paris Dauphine)
Title: A mean field game between informed traders and a borker
Abstract: We find closed-form solutions to the stochastic game between a broker and a mean-field of informed traders. In the finite player game, the informed traders observe a common signal and a private signal. The broker, on the other hand, observes the trading speed of each of his clients and provides liquidity to the informed traders. Each player in the game optimises wealth adjusted by inventory penalties. In the mean field version of the game, using a Gâteaux derivative approach, we characterise the solution to the game with a system of forward-backward stochastic differential equations that we solve explicitly. We find that the optimal trading strategy of the broker is linear on his own inventory, on the average inventory among informed traders, and on the common signal or the average trading speed of the informed traders. The Nash equilibrium we find helps informed traders decide how to use private information, and helps brokers decide how much of the order flow they should externalise or internalise when facing a large number of clients. Joint work with Leandro Sánchez-Betancourt
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ID de réunion: 973 3268 1817
Code secret: 779335
Hyung Joo Kim (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System)
Title: A New Closed-Form Discrete-Time Option Pricing Model with Stochastic Volatility
Abstract: In the option pricing literature, closed-form pricing formulas offer many advantages, but very few solutions are available. Among models that can incorporate the critically important stylized fact of stochastic volatility, the only known reliable solution for European options is the square root model in Heston (1993). Heston and Nandi (2000) offer a discrete-time alternative, but this is a GARCH-type model which does not feature stochastic volatility. We propose a new closed-form discrete-time option pricing model with stochastic volatility. The model is straightforward to implement. We estimate it using (jointly) a long historical time series of index returns and large option panels with various moneyness and maturities. The model vastly outperforms the existing discrete-time Heston-Nandi benchmark and slightly improves on the continuous-time benchmark. The model-implied pricing kernel and risk premiums are very plausible. The newly proposed pricing formula can be used to implement various extensions of the model. The talk will be based on recent work withS.L. Heston and K. Jacobs (
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ID de réunion: 963 8757 3996
Code secret: 517037
Arthur Charpentier (UQAM)
Title: Using optimal transport to mitigate unfair predictions
Abstract: The insurance industry is heavily reliant on predictions of risks based on characteristics of potential customers. Although the use of said models is common, researchers have long pointed out that such practices perpetuate discrimination based on sensitive features such as gender or race. Given that such discrimination can often be attributed to historical data biases, an elimination or at least mitigation is desirable. With the shift from more traditional models to machine-learning based predictions, calls for greater mitigation have grown anew, as simply excluding sensitive variables in the pricing process can be shown to be ineffective. In this article, we first investigate why predictions are a necessity within the industry and why correcting biases is not as straightforward as simply identifying a sensitive variable. We then propose to ease the biases through the use of Wasserstein barycenters instead of simple scaling. To demonstrate the effects and effectiveness of the approach we employ it on real data and discuss its implications. The talk will be based on recent work with François Hu and Philipp Ratz (2310.20508, 2309.06627, 2306.12912 and 2306.10155).
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ID de réunion: 932 1444 6615
Code secret: 109045
Peter Tankov (ENSAE)
Title: Can Investors Curb Greenwashing?
Abstract: We show how investors with pro-environmental preferences and who penalize revelations of past envi-
ronmental controversies impact corporate greenwashing practices. Through a dynamic equilibrium model
with information asymmetry, we characterize firms’ optimal environmental communication, emissions re-
duction, and greenwashing policies, and we explain the forces driving them. Notably, under a condition
that we explicitly characterize, companies greenwash to inflate their environmental score above their fun-
damental environmental value, with an effort and impact increasing with investors’ pro-environmental
preferences. However, investment decisions that penalize greenwashing, policies increasing transparency,
and environment-related technological innovation contribute to mitigating corporate greenwashing. We
provide empirical support for our results.
This presentation is based on a joint work with Fanny Cartellier and Olivier David Zerbib
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ID de réunion: 975 5664 1447
Code secret: 542831
Matthieu Garcin (ESILV)
Title: Uncovering market inefficiencies using information theory
Abstract: Information theory, and mainly tools based on Shannon entropy, make it possible to determine the amount of information contained in a time series of price returns. By deriving the asymptotic distribution of this market information indicator in the case where the efficient market hypothesis (EMH) holds, we develop a statistical test of market efficiency and apply it to several datasets of stock indices, single stocks, and cryptocurrencies, for which we are able to determine at each date whether the EMH is to be rejected, with respect to a given confidence level.
We also propose two improvements of this simple analysis tool. First, the outcome of the method strongly depends on the sampling of the price returns. We thus derive a multiscale version of the market information and theoretically relate it to another widespread indicator of market efficiency, namely the Hurst exponent, in the case where log-prices follow a fractional Brownian motion (fBm). Extensions of the fBm are also considered and sometimes lead to a quite counterintuitive link between market information and Hurst exponent.
Last, market information is based on an empirical discrete probability, with two states corresponding to positive and negative price returns. This simplification sometimes leads to overconfident validations of the EMH. We show that if one instead uses a continuous distribution, many challenges appear but it is necessary to reflect the complexity of financial markets. These considerations incidentally lead to defining a new bandwidth selection rule for estimating kernel densities, based on information theory.
This presentation is based on a joint work with Xavier Brouty.
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ID de réunion: 920 2225 0275
Code secret: 188624
Sylvain Carré (Dauphine)
Title: Security and Efficiency in DeFi Lending
Abstract: We build a model à la Lagos-Wright to study welfare-maximizing pricing rules in decentralized finance (DeFi) lending, in the context of Proof-of-Stake blockchains. Such rules must guarantee affordable loans to borrowers; they must also take into account the implied security on the consensus layer. Viability requires an endogenous security constraint to be satisfied; when it is, a secure and a risky equilibrium coexist. We characterize the relationship between DeFi rates and consensus layer security; we then determine the efficient pricing rules and the situations where, by contrast with the case of exogenous security, it is not optimal that they implement the Walrasian equilibrium. Several extensions of the model confirm the robustness of our findings.
This presentation is based on a joint work with Franck Gabriel available here
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ID de réunion: 949 6056 4774
Code secret: 298712
Ciamac Moallemi (Graduate School of Business, Columbia University)
Title: Automated Market Making and Arbitrage Profits in the Presence of Fees
Abstract: We consider the impact of trading fees and discrete block generation on the maximal extracted value (MEV) generated by arbitrageurs trading against an automated marker marker (AMM) or, equivalently, on the adverse selection incurred by liquidity providers (LPs) due to DEX-CEX arbitrage. Our starting point is “loss-versus-rebalancing” (LVR) defined by Milionis et al. [2022], which quantifies the loss to arbitrageurs in an idealized, continuous-time setting with no trading fees. Trading fees and discrete blocks, on the other hand, create frictions which impact arbitrage activity.
Under the assumption of Poisson block generation times, we are able to compute arbitrage profits in closed form for general constant function market makers. The formula simplifies when the trading fee is low and blocks are frequent (the “fast block” regime). In this case arbitrage profits are simply LVR scaled down by the probability of an arbitrage trade in any given block. Moreover, though LVR was developed assuming no fees and continuous trading, with fees and discrete blocks LVR is roughly the profit gross of fees of arbing the pool. Introducing fees simply changes how LVR is split and who earns it (arbitrageurs or pool LPs).
Our results have implications for AMM design. First, we show that arbitrage MEV scales with the square root of the interblock time, which suggests that faster blockchains are one mechanism to reduce arbitrage MEV. Further, trading fees create a trade-off between losses to arbitrageurs and larger effective spreads for all traders. Our model quantifies this trade-off and provides a path towards setting revenue optimal fees.
This is joint work with Jason Milionis, Tim Roughgarden, and Anthony Zhang, and is based on these two papers:
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ID de réunion: 938 6042 1093
Code secret: 128858
Grigoryeva, Lyudmila (University of St.Gallen)
Title: Reservoir computing for macroeconomic forecasting with mixed frequency data
Abstract: Macroeconomic forecasting has recently started embracing techniques that can deal with large-scale datasets and series with unequal release periods. MIxed-DAta Sampling (MIDAS) and Dynamic Factor Models (DFM) are the two main state-of-the-art approaches that allow modeling series with non-homogeneous frequencies. We introduce a new framework called the Multi-Frequency Echo State Network (MFESN) based on a relatively novel machine learning paradigm called reservoir computing. Echo State Networks (ESN) are recurrent neural networks formulated as nonlinear state-space systems with random state coefficients where only the observation map is subject to estimation. MFESNs are considerably more efficient than DFMs and allow for incorporating many series, as opposed to MIDAS models, which are prone to the curse of dimensionality. All methods are compared in extensive multistep forecasting exercises targeting US GDP growth. We find that our MFESN models achieve superior or comparable performance over MIDAS and DFMs at a much lower computational cost.
Joint work with Giovanni Ballarin, Petros Dellaporta, Marcel Hirt, Sophie van Huellen, Juan-Pablo Ortega
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ID de réunion : 988 4143 6746
Code secret : 353833
Title: What is Missing in Asset-Pricing Factor Models?
Abstract: Our objective is to price the cross-section of asset returns. Despite considering hundreds of systematic risk factors (``factor zoo''), factor models still have sizable pricing errors. A limitation of these models is that returns compensate only for systematic risk. We allow compensation also for unsystematic risk while imposing no arbitrage. The resulting stochastic discount factor (SDF) dominates traditional factor models in pricing assets. Empirically, about 70% of this SDF's variation is explained by its unsystematic-risk component, which is correlated with strategies reflecting market frictions and behavioral biases. Our findings provide an avenue for resolving the factor zoo.
Joint work with Massimo Dello Preite, Raman Uppal, Paolo Zaffaroni
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Monday June 5 2023 at 17h: Ajouter au calendrier
Thibaut Mastrolia (Berkeley)
Title: Transaction fees for auction markets
Abstract: TBA
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ID de réunion : 956 2726 4704
Code secret : 018833
Monday April 17 2023 at 17h: Ajouter au calendrier
Eduardo Abi Jaber (Ecole Polytechnique)
Title: From the Quintic model that jointly calibrates SPX and VIX to Signature volatility models.
Abstract: The quintic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck volatility model is a stochastic volatility model where the volatility process is a polynomial function of degree five of a single Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with fast mean reversion and large vol-of-vol. The model is able to achieve remarkable joint fits of the SPX-VIX smiles with only 6 effective parameters and an input curve that allows to match certain term structures. Even better, the model remains very simple and tractable for pricing and calibration: the VIX squared is again polynomial in the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, leading to efficient VIX derivative pricing by a simple integration against a Gaussian density and simulation of the volatility process is exact.
For pricing SPX products, we show that the Quintic model is part of a larger class of stochastic volatility model where the volatility is driven by a linear function of the signature of a Brownian motion enhanced with the running time. For this larger class of models, we develop pricing and hedging methodologies using Fourier inversion techniques on the characteristic function which is known up to an infinite-dimensional Riccati equation. We illustrate our method on numerical examples for fast pricing, hedging and calibration of vanilla and path-dependent options in several classes of Markovian and Non-Markovian models.
Based on joint works with Louis-Amand Gérard, Camille Illand & Shaun Li.
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ID de réunion : 959 4058 5706
Code secret : 258504
Monday April 3 2023 at 14h30: Ajouter au calendrier
Giulia Rotundo (Sapienza de Rome)
Title: Network models for financial time series
Abstract: The seminar is going to focus on two applications
1) Shareholding networks
2) BIS database
1) Shareholding networks
Cross-shareholding occur when a company traded in a Stock market holds shares of another company.
This relationship can be modeled through a direct graph, with cycles. The main questions raise about the ultimate owner, the level of concentration of the market, and scenario analysis.
Open questions concern the reduction of the space of networks for driving the simulations and reducing the total computational time.
R. Cerqueti, G. Rotundo (2022) The weighted cross-shareholding complex network: a copula approach to concentration and control in financial markets, Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination
R. Cerqueti, G. Rotundo, M. Ausloos (2020) Tsallis Entropy for Cross-Shareholding Network Configurations. Entropy, 22 (6) 676
R. Cerqueti, G. Rotundo, M. Ausloos (2018) Investigating the Configurations in Cross-Shareholding: A Joint Copula-Entropy Approach. Entropy 20(2) 134
G. Rotundo, A. M. D’Arcangelis (2014) Network of companies: an analysis of market concentration in the Italian stock market. Quality & Quantity, 48 (4), 1893-1910
G. Rotundo, A. M. D’Arcangelis (2010) Ownership and control in shareholding networks. Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, ISSN 1860-711X, Volume 5, Issue 2, 191-219
2) BIS database
The Bank of International Settlement reports data from 60 countries on exposures also to other countries. Therefore, the unerlying network
is necessarily incomplete. A core-periphery model is implemented to state the relevance of the missing links.
M. Cinelli, G. Ferraro, A. Iovanella, G. Rotundo (2019) Assessing the impact of incomplete information on the resilience of financial networks. Ann Oper Res.
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ID de réunion : 985 2011 5287
Code secret : 135955
Monday March 20 2023 at 14h30: Ajouter au calendrier
Alexey Medvedev (Lombard Odier Asset Management )
Title: Option-like Portfolio Insurance Over a Rolling Window: Introduction and Derivation by Reinforcement Learning
Abstract: Option-based portfolio insurance is a unique solution that combines a downside protection with
guaranteed minimum upside participation. Its implementation, however, is challenging for public funds,
whose investors have different entry points and uncertain holding periods. In this paper we extend this
methodology to portfolio protection over a rolling window without an explicit investment horizon. Such
an objective reflects the common practice where the performance of funds is regularly monitored over
fixed time intervals. We show how to derive the optimal strategy using methods of reinforcement
learning, and demonstrate that it provides a more effective portfolio protection than the existing
methods both on simulated and real-life data.
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ID de réunion : 983 5322 1207
Code secret : 764383
Monday March 6 2023 at 14h30: Ajouter au calendrier
Giorgio Ferrari (Bielefeld Universität)
Title: Consumption Decision, Portfolio Choice and Healthcare Irreversible Investment
Abstract: We propose a tractable dynamic framework for the joint determination of optimal consumption, portfolio choice, and healthcare irreversible investment. Our model is based on a Merton's portfolio and consumption choice problem, where, in addition, the agent can choose the time at which undertaking a costly health investment decision. Health depreciates with age and directly affects the agent's mortality force, so that investment into healthcare reduces the agent's mortality risk. The resulting optimization problem is formulated as a stochastic control-stopping problem with a random time-horizon and state-variables given by the agent's wealth and health capital. We transform this original problem into its dual version, which is now a two-dimensional optimal stopping problem with interconnected dynamics and finite time-horizon. Regularity of the optimal stopping value function is derived and the optimal stopping boundary surface is proved to be Lipschitz continuous and it is characterized as the unique solution to a nonlinear integral equation. In the original coordinates, the agent thus invests into healthcare whenever her wealth exceeds an age- and health-dependent transformed version of the optimal stopping boundary.
Joint work with Shihao Zhu
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ID de réunion : 970 8071 0802
Code secret : 352733
Monday February 13 2023 at 14h30: Ajouter au calendrier
Francesco Violante (ENSAE)
Title: Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Betas: longitudinal feedback in multifactor asset pricing
Abstract: We propose a new class of observation-driven models describing the joint dynamics of the time-varying slopes in a system of conditionally heteroskedastic simultaneous multiple regressions. The model, dubbed Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Betas (GACB), introduces new and economically meaningful mechanisms of propagation of shocks, namely beta spillovers. The GACB can accommodate large dimensions (both regressors and regressands), testing parametric longitudinal restrictions, introducing exogenous variables influencing betas, as well as the coexistence of constant and time-varying betas. We derive stationarity and uniform invertibility conditions and present beta and covariance tracking constraints. We propose a variety of computationally convenient quasi-maximum likelihood estimators (parallel and sequential), and we assess their finite sample properties using extensive Monte Carlo experiments. Finally, we use the GACB to illustrate the role of beta spillovers in the Fama-French three factors asset pricing model.
Joint work with Stefano Grassi (University of Rome 'Tor Vergata')
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ID de réunion : 931 2760 9443
Code secret : 619245
Wednesday 22 June 2022 at 18h00: Ajouter au calendrier
Jean-Edouard Colliard (HEC)
Title: Algorithmic Pricing and Liquidity in Securities Markets
Abstract: We run experiments in which machine-learning algorithms play a standard market-making game under adverse selection. We study how the outcome of these experiments differs from standard equilibrium predictions. We find that a monopolist market-maker charges a price lower than the standard monopoly price. In contrast, competing market-makers charge a price at a mark-up above the competitive price. We run comparative statics exercises that deliver new empirical predictions. In particular, the mark-up decreases in the amount of adverse selection. Beyond the case of market-making, our framework is a step towards developing novel predictions on the impact of algorithmic trading in financial markets.
Joint work with Thierry Foucault, Stefano Lovo
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ID de réunion : 921 7598 3954
Code secret : 217808
Wednesday 8 June 2022 at 18h00: Ajouter au calendrier
Thierry Foucault (HEC)
Title: Equilibrium Data Mining and Data Abundance
Abstract: We propose a new theory of information production in financial markets. In this theory, speculators search for new predictors of asset payoffs and optimally decide to trade on predictors whose signal-to-noise ratio exceeds an endogenous threshold. We use the model to derive predictions regarding the effects of progress in information technologies on quantitative asset managers' performance, the similarity of their holdings, and the informativeness of asset prices. We show that data abundance (an expansion of the search space for predictors due to greater data diversity) and greater data processing power do not have the same effects.
Joint work with Jérôme Dugast.
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ID de réunion : 966 1522 6605
Code secret : 844792
Tuesday 24 May 2022 at 18h00: Ajouter au calendrier
Christophe Geissler (Advestis)
Title: Using ESG scores in equity issuer clustering.
Abstract: We present here an original application of the non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) method, for the case of extra-financial ESG data. These data are subject to high correlations between co-variables, as well as between observations. NMF provides a more easily interpretable clustering of co-variables and observations than a simple principal component analysis (PCA). It gives rise to a natural issuer clustering based on the ESG scores.
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ID de réunion : 978 6688 3736
Code secret : 989561
Wednesday 11 May 2022 at 18h00: Ajouter au calendrier
Zhenyu Cui (Stevens Business School)
Title: Applications of the Dirac Delta Family Method in Implied Volatility, Risk-neutral Density, and High-dimensional Stochastic Control
Abstract: In this talk, the Dirac Delta family method is introduced, which is based on orthogonal polynomial representations of the Dirac Delta function. We show how this method can lead to new valuation results in three financial applications. First, when combined with the change of variable technique, we obtain an explicit model-free formula for the Black-Scholes implied volatility. The formula is expressed through either a limit or as an infinite series of elementary functions, and we establish that the proposed formula converges to the true implied volatility value. Numerical and empirical examples illustrate the accurateness of the formula. Second, when combined with the celebrated Carr-Madan spanning formula, we derive a novel model-free representation of the risk-neutral density in terms of market-observed options prices. Compared to the widely used method for obtaining the risk-neutral densities via the Breeden–Litzenberger device, our method yields estimate of risk-neutral densities that are model-free, automatically smooth, and in closed-form. Third, when applied to calculating the conditional expectations arising from dynamical programming, we show that it leads to a novel numerical time-stepping approach for solving corresponding HJB system. We demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the method through solving some one-dimensional and two-dimensional control problems.
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ID de réunion : 950 6705 5748
Code secret : 012438
Wednesday 20 April 2022 at 18h00: Ajouter au calendrier
Serge Tabachnik (Lombard Odier) and Eric Benhamou (AI for alpha)
Title: Machine Learning Allocation for Volatility Targeting Portfolios
Abstract: In the context of proactive risk management and volatility targeting portfolio construction, finding robust predictors of future realized volatility is paramount to achieving optimal performance. Up to now, this has motivated the search for a stream of models to forecast volatility based on multiple methodologies. However, because of the complexity and non-stationary behavior of volatility, the appropriate choice of the volatility estimator, and hence the volatility targeting model relying on it, remains an open question. This presentation proposes the implementation of two Machine Learning (ML) based methodologies, to determine the optimal allocation between volatility targeting models. The first methodology is based on Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), while the second is based on Gradient Boosting Decision Trees (GBDT). These two innovative methodologies are intrinsically different and distinguished from one another by their learning approach. GBDT uses supervised learning contrary to DRL that falls into the unsupervised learning. Both of these dynamic allocations rely on Adaptive Machine Learning (AML) methods that aim to take the typical regime changes of volatility into account. While this adaptive aspect is inherent to reinforcement learning, in the case of the supervised learning approach it comes from the addition of a filtering step that aims to take the regime changes further into account.
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ID de réunion : 917 7934 6457
Code secret : 424113
Wednesday 6 April 2022 at 18h00: Ajouter au calendrier
Damien Challet (Centrale Supélec)
Title: Filtering the covariance matrix of non-stationary systems with constant eigenvalues
Abstract: We propose a data-driven way to reduce the noise of covariance matrices of nonstationary systems. Our method rests on long-term averaging of the influence of the future on present eigenvalues. This zeroth-order approximation outperforms the latest optimal methods designed for stationary systems as soon as the system is not stationary as seen in large-scale empirical investigations on optimal global minimum variance portfolios and with synthetic data.
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ID de réunion : 922 6560 8992
Code secret : 502356
Wednesday 9 March 2022 at 18h00: Ajouter au calendrier
Guillaume Bernis (Natexis)
Title: Clustering Effects for Derivatives Pricing: Applications of Hawkes Processes in Finance
Abstract: We propose an extension of the $\Gamma$-OU Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard model taking into account jump clustering phenomena.
We assume that the intensity process of the Hawkes driver coincides, up to a constant, with the variance process. By applying the theory of continuous-state branching processes with immigration, we prove existence and uniqueness of strong solutions of the SDE governing the asset price dynamics. We exploit a measure change of self-exciting Esscher type in order to describe the relation between the risk-neutral and the historical dynamics, showing that the $\Gamma$-OU Hawkes framework is stable under this probability change. By exploiting the affine features of the model we provide an explicit form for the Laplace transform of the asset log-return, for its quadratic variation and for the ergodic distribution of the variance process.
We show that the proposed model exhibits a larger flexibility in comparison with the $\Gamma$-OU model, in spite of the same number of parameters required. We calibrate the model on market vanilla option prices via characteristic function inversion techniques, we study its sensitivities and propose an exact simulation scheme. The main financial result is that implied volatility of options written on VIX is upward shaped due to the self-exciting property of Hawkes processes, in contrast with the usual downward slope in the $\Gamma$-OU Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard model.
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ID de réunion : 926 4884 2718
Code secret : 586575
Wednesday 9 February 2022 at 18h00: Ajouter au calendrier
Ryan Donnelly (King's College)
Title: Optimal Execution with Exploratory Trading
Abstract: An agent wishes to liquidate a block of shares subject to price impact effects, but also desires to explore regions of the state and control space that would be avoided according to the optimal strategy of the model. This is accomplished by incorporating unpredictable randomness in the trading strategy at each point in time, and offering a reward in the form of Shannon's differential entropy of the distribution of this random component. We propose a framework in discrete time with captures this objective and solve for the optimal distribution of trades. At each point in time the optimal trade distribution is Gaussian with parameters that are given in terms of the solution to a backwards stochastic difference equation. The solution to this backwards stochastic difference equation can be approximated by a continuous time analogue, which can be solved in closed form. Using this approximation, we demonstrate the relation between this discrete time model and other pieces of literature which work in continuous time.
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ID de réunion : 984 0419 9876
Code secret : 603818
Wednesday 26 January 2022 at 15h45: Ajouter au calendrier
Blanka Horvatz (TU Munich)
Title: Data - Driven Market Simulators & some applications of signature kernel methods in mathematical finance
Abstract: Techniques that address sequential data have been a central theme in machine learning research in the past years. More recently, such considerations have entered the field of finance-related ML applications in several areas where we face inherently path dependent problems: from (deep) pricing and hedging (of path-dependent options) to generative modelling of synthetic market data, which we refer to as market generation.
We revisit Deep Hedging from the perspective of the role of the data streams used for training and highlight how this perspective motivates the use of highly accurate generative models for synthetic data generation. From this, we draw conclusions regarding the implications for risk management and model governance of these applications, in contrast to risk-management in classical quantitative finance approaches.
Indeed, financial ML applications and their risk-management heavily rely on a solid means of measuring (and efficiently computing) similarity-metrics between datasets consisting of sample paths of stochastic processes. Stochastic processes are at their core random variables on path space. However a consistent notion of and efficiently computable similarity-metrics for stochastic processes remained a challenge until recently. We propose such appropriate similarity metrics and contrast them with returns-based similarity metrics. Finally, we discuss the effect of incorporating the information structure (the filtration) of the market into these similarity metrics and the implications of such metrics on options prices.
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ID de réunion : 965 1867 8430
Code secret : 223789
Wednesday 12 January 2021 at 6pm: Ajouter au calendrier
Adeline Fermanian (UPMC)
Title: Learning from time-dependent data: signatures, RNN, and neural ODE
Abstract: Time-dependent data arise in many fields of research, such as quantitative finance, medicine, or computer vision. We will be concerned with a novel approach for learning with such data, called the signature transform, and rooted in rough path theory. Its basic principle is to represent multidimensional paths by a graded feature set of their iterated integrals, called the signature. After a general overview of signatures in machine learning, we show its application on one specific problem. Building on the interpretation of a recurrent neural network (RNN) as a continuous- time neural differential equation, we show, under appropriate conditions, that the solution of a RNN can be viewed as a linear function on the signature. This connection allows us to frame a RNN as a kernel method in a suitable reproducing kernel Hilbert space. As a consequence, we obtain theoretical guarantees on generalization and stability for a large class of recurrent networks.
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ID de réunion : 979 1526 3949
Code secret : 683848
Wednesday 9 June 2021 at 6pm:
Maciej Augustyniak (Université de Montreal)
Title: A Discrete-Time Hedging Framework with Multiple Factors and Fat Tails: On What Matters
Abstract: This article presents a quadratic hedging framework for a general class of discrete-time affine multi-factor models and investigates the extent to which multi-component volatility factors, fat tails, and a non-monotonic pricing kernel can improve the hedging performance. A semi-explicit hedging formula is derived for our general framework which applies to a myriad of the option pricing models proposed in the discrete-time literature. We conduct an extensive empirical study of the impact of modelling features on the hedging effectiveness of S&P 500 options. Overall, we find that fat tails can be credited for half of the hedging improvement observed, while a second volatility factor and a non-monotonic pricing kernel each contribute to a quarter of this improvement. Moreover, our study indicates that the added value of these features for hedging is different than for pricing. A robustness analysis shows that a similar conclusion can be reached when considering the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Finally, the use of a hedging-based loss function in the estimation process is investigated in an additional robustness test, and this choice has a rather marginal impact on hedging performance.
A draft of the paper can be accessed here for those interested:
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ID de réunion : 945 8470 4249
Code secret : 369060
Wednesday 26 May 2021 at 6pm:
HAORAN WANG (Senior Research Data Scientist at Vanguard)
Title: Continuous-time mean–variance portfolio selection: A reinforcement learning framework
Abstract: We approach the continuous-time mean–variance portfolio selection with reinforcement learning (RL). The problem is to achieve the best trade-off between exploration and exploitation, and is formulated as an entropy-regularized, relaxed stochastic control problem. We prove that the optimal feedback policy for this problem must be Gaussian,with time-decaying variance. We then prove a policy improvement theorem, based on which we devise an implementable RL algorithm.We find that our algorithm and its variant outperform both traditional and deep neural network based algorithms in our simulation and empirical studies. (This is a joint work with Xun Yu Zhou at Columbia University.)
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ID de réunion : 977 7902 5385
Code secret : 806013
Wednesday 12 May 2021 at 5pm:
BRUNO DUPIRE (head of quantitative research, Bloomberg )
Title: Functional Itô Calculus
We extend some results of the Itô calculus to functionals of the current path of a process to reflect the fact that often the impact of randomness is cumulative and depends on the history of the process, not merely on its current value. We express the differential of the functional in terms of adequately defined partial derivatives to obtain an Itô formula. We develop an extension of the Feynman-Kac formula to the functional case and an explicit expression of the integrand in the Martingale Representation Theorem. We establish that under certain conditions, even path dependent options prices satisfy a partial differential equation in a local sense. We exploit this fact to find an expression of the price difference between two models and compute variational derivatives with respect to the volatility surface.
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ID de réunion : 968 5812 1629
Code secret : 585175
Wednesday 14 April 2021 at 6pm:
MATTHIEU GARCIN (Léonard de Vinci Pôle universitaire, Paris)
Title: Fractional models: estimation, forecast, and market efficiency
The Hurst exponent describes the scaling properties of a time series. One also often links its value to the persistence of the series and consequently to one’s ability to forecast it: if H=1/2 there is no autocorrelation, if H>1/2 the series is persistent, and if H<1/2 the series is anti-persistent. However, the interpretation of the Hurst exponent strongly depends on the model describing the dynamic. Beyond the fractional Brownian motion (fBm), we are interested in various models: non-Gaussian extensions of the fBm, stationary transforms of a fBm, and multifractional motions, which rely on the assumption that the Hurst exponent is time-varying or even is a random process. We expose the specificities of the estimation of the Hurst exponent for all these models as well as the way one can forecast such series, using accuracy metrics that are relevant in the perspective of a portfolio manager. We also present various indicators of market efficiency based on these models.
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ID de réunion : 910 4122 3916
Code secret : 096455
Wednesday 24 MARCH 2021 at 6pm
Title: The Joint S&P 500/VIX Smile Calibration Puzzle Solved and related topics
The very high liquidity of S&P 500 (SPX) and VIX derivatives requires that financial institutions price, hedge, and risk-manage their SPX and VIX options portfolios using models that perfectly fit market prices of both SPX and VIX futures and options, jointly. This is known to be a very difficult problem. Since VIX options started trading in 2006, many practitioners and researchers have tried to build such a model. So far the best attempts, which used parametric continuous-time jump-diffusion models on the SPX, could only produce approximate fits. In this talk we solve this long standing puzzle for the first time using a completely different approach: a nonparametric discrete-time model. Given a VIX future maturity T1, we build a joint probability measure on the SPX at T1, the VIX at T1, and the SPX at T2 = T1 + 30 days which is perfectly calibrated to the SPX smiles at T1 and T2, and the VIX future and VIX smile at T1. Our model satisfies the martingality constraint on the SPX as well as the requirement that the VIX at T1 is the implied volatility of the 30-day log-contract on the SPX.
The model is cast as the unique solution of what we call a Dispersion-Constrained Martingale Schrodinger Problem which is solved by duality using an extension of the Sinkhorn algorithm, in the spirit of (De March and Henry-Labordere, Building arbitrage-free implied volatility: Sinkhorn's algorithm and variants, 2019). We prove that the existence of such a model means that the SPX and VIX markets are jointly arbitrage-free. The algorithm identifies joint SPX/VIX arbitrages should they arise. Our numerical experiments show that the algorithm performs very well in both low and high volatility environments. Finally, we discuss how our technique extends to continuous-time stochastic volatility models, via what we dub VIX-Constrained Martingale Schrodinger Bridges, inspired by the classical Schrodinger bridge of statistical mechanics. The resulting stochastic volatility model is numerically implemented and is shown to achieve joint calibration with very high accuracy.
Time permitting, we will also briefly discuss a few related topics:
(i) a remarkable feature of the SPX and VIX markets: the inversion of convex ordering, and how classical stochastic volatility models can reproduce it;
(ii) why, due to this inversion of convex ordering, and contrary to what has often been stated, among the continuous stochastic volatility models calibrated to the market smile, the local volatility model does not maximize the price of VIX futures;
(iii) what are the optimal model-free bounds on the prices of VIX futures given SPX smiles.
ID de réunion : 917 1264 4694
Code secret : 803722
Wednesday 17 MARCH 2021 at 6pm
Title: American options in the rough Heston model
Abstract: Rough volatility models have emerged as compelling alternatives to classical semimartingale models to capture important stylized features of the implied volatility surface and the time series of realized volatility. The rough Heston model is particularly appealing because its affine structure facilitates the pricing of European options using Fourier techniques. In this work we consider the problem of pricing American options in the rough Heston model. The complexity of the problem stems from the absence of a Markovian-semimartingale structure in the model. To overcome this difficulty, we work with a Markovian multi-factor semimartingale stochastic volatility model, which approximates the rough Heston model. In this approximated model, American options can be priced using a backward approach and simulation-based methods. We prove the convergence of American options prices in the multi-factor model towards the prices in the rough Heston model. The proof relies on the explicit expression of the conditional characteristic function of the joint forward process and the spot price, which is a consequence of the affine structure of the model. We illustrate with some numerical examples the behavior of American option prices with respect to some parameters in the model. This is joint work with Etienne Chevalier and Elizabeth Zuñiga.
Sujet : Financial Modelling seminar : SERGIO PULIDO ENSIIE
Heure : 17 mars 2021 06:00 PM Paris
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ID de réunion : 918 5174 3203
Code secret : 633782
le 18/12 Matthieu Garcin (ESILV) +MIGUEL ANGEL SANCHEZ GRANERO (Alméria) [Self similarities]
Self similarity in finance.
Abstract: Self similarity is a broad concept popularized by fractals along a great number of topics. Self similar processes are stochastic processes with some kind of self similarity. We will introduce this concept and some algorithms to calculate the self similarity index or Hurst exponent, but with a particular focus on financial applications. The first obvious application is to study self similarity of the (log) price of a stock, but this is just the beginning. In fact, we will see some problems that appears in this context. Second, we will explore the use of the Hurst exponent in Fama-French factor models. Third, the self similarity index is also interesting to measure the degree of comovement of a pair of stocks. In this case, we look for anti-persistent series to choose a pair of stocks which "move together", so we can apply mean-reverting strategies in what is called "Pairs Trading". Four, we will describe how to use the self similarity index to analyze another well-known financial phenomenon: volatility clustering.
6 pm Matthieu Garcin (ESILV)
Selection, estimation, and prediction of fractional models: a financial perspective
The Hurst exponent describes the scaling properties of a time series. One also often links its value to the persistence of the series and consequently to one’s ability to forecast it: if H=1/2 there is no autocorrelation, if H>1/2 the series is persistent, and if H<1/2 the series is anti-persistent. However, the interpretation of the Hurst exponent strongly depends on the model describing the dynamic. We are interested in three classes of models: the fractional Brownian motion (fBm), multifractional motions, and transforms of a fBm. The multifractional motions are extensions of the fBm that rely on the assumption that the Hurst exponent is time-varying or even is a random process, whereas it is a constant for the fBm. Transforms of the fBm, such as the fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process or the Lamperti transform of a fBm, are of practical interest, for example in the fixed income world, to model stationary processes. We expose the specificities of the estimation of the Hurst exponent for all these models as well as the way one can forecast such series, using accuracy metrics that are relevant in the perspective of a portfolio manager. We also address the issue of selecting the proper fractional or multifractional model, based on the data.
le 15/01 Jentzen (Université de Munster), Alvaro Cartea (Oxford) [Machine Learning] (canceled)
le 12/02 5pm: Roy Cerqueti (Sapienza University of Rome)
The resilience of a complex network: methods and applications
Abstract: The analysis of the resilience of a network is of key relevance in the applied science, for its natural connections with the assessment of the
stability of an overall system and with systemic risk. This paper deals with this topic by advancing theoretical proposals for measuring the resilience
of a weighted network. Empirical experiments on real world data support the theoretical framework.
le 18/03 Alexandru Badescu (Calgary)+Sébastien Laurent (AMSE à confirmer) [Econometrics] (canceled due to covid 19)
le 22/04 Sergio Pulido (ENSIEE) et Thibaut Mastrolia (Ecole Polytechnique) [Analyse stochastique] (canceled due to covid 19)
le 27/05 Andrzej Nowak (Univ. Varsovie) + Dehua Shen (Univ. Tianjin) [Finance comportementale] (canceled due to covid 19)
le 24/06 TBA [Nowcasting] (canceled due to covid 19)
Wednesday, November 27 th 2019 (Room S17)
17h: Bernard de Meyer et Moussa Dabo (CES, Paris 1)
The CMMV Pricing Model in Practice
Abstract: Mainstream financial econometrics methods are based on models well tuned to replicate price dynamics, but with little to no economic justification. In particular, the randomness in these models is assumed to result from a combination of exogenous factors. In this paper, we present a model originating from game theory, whose corresponding price dynamics are a direct consequence of the information asymmetry between private and institutional investors. This model, namely the CMMV pricing model, is therefore rooted in market microstructure. The pricing methods derived from it also appear to fit very well historical price data. Indeed, as evidenced in the last section of the paper, the CMMV model does a very good job predicting option prices from readily available data. It also enables to recover the dynamic of the volatility surface.
6pm: Ramy Sukarieh (United Nations JSPF )
Stock selection and Portfolio construction using VAR models and Genetic Algorithm
We seek to construct portfolios with the following intuitive characteristics: ordered, segregated, integrated, conditional, and concentrated. To this end, we use vector auto-regressive VAR models and Genetic Algorithm GA. The VAR models were estimated using normal equations and MLE. The GA randomly permutes from the uniform discrete distribution without replacement, compute rank based fitness scaling function, and selects via stochastic universal sampling function (SUS). We use the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) as the fitness function to the GA algorithm. This research shows that combining linear models with GA lead to well behaved investable portfolios with reasonable performance when compared to the market. In addition, it provides a simple yet rich framework from which one can bifurcate into more sophisticated model such as, Bayesian in time-varying VAR TVP-VAR with stochastics volatility, where inputs can be obtained from nonlinear models such as Poly-models.
Wednesday, October 16 th 2019
17h: Eduardo Abi Jaber (Paris 1)
Invariance and viability theory: from finite dimensional ODEs to infinite dimensional SDEs
Abstract: We will give a general overview of viability theory for arbitrary closed sets with respect to deterministic and stochastic systems. A closed set D is said to be viable for a dynamical system, if there exists a D-valued solution to this system. We will provide a new geometric characterization for finite-dimensional stochastic differential equations (with jumps), which extends the well-known inward pointing Stratonovich drift condition to the case where the diffusion matrix may fail to be differentiable. Finally, we will discuss the extension to infinite dimensional S(P)DEs.
18h: Luciano Campi (London School of economics)
N-player games and mean-field games with smooth dependence on past absorptions
Abstract: N-player games and mean-field games with smooth dependence on past absorptions Mean-field games with absorption is a class of games, that have been introduced in Campi and Fischer (2018) and that can be viewed as natural limits of symmetric stochastic differential games with a large number of players who, interacting through a mean-field, leave the game as soon as their private states hit some given boundary. In this talk, we push the study of such games further, extending their scope along two main directions. First, a direct dependence on past absorptions has been introduced in the drift of players' state dynamics. Second, the boundedness of coefficients and costs has been considerably relaxed including drift and costs with linear growth. Therefore, the mean-field interaction among the players takes place in two ways: via the empirical sub-probability measure of the surviving players and through a process representing the fraction of past absorptions over time. Moreover, relaxing the boundedness of the coefficients allows for more realistic dynamics for players' private states. We prove existence of solutions of the mean-field game in strict as well as relaxed feedback form. Finally, we show that such solutions induce approximate Nash equilibria for the N-player game with vanishing error in the mean-field limit as N goes to infinity. This talk is based on a joint work with Maddalena Ghio and Giulia Livieri (SNS Pisa).
Tuesday 18 June 2019
12:30: Marcos Costa Santos Carreira (Ecole Polytechnique - CMAP)
Learning Interest Rate Interpolation
Abstract: The usual methods for interest rate interpolation consider only the values and time to maturity of spot rates as the inputs, and differ mainly on the continuity of the implied forward rates. We treat the interpolation problem as a replication problem, where a bond (or interest rate future/swap) is priced as a function of the minimum variance replicating portfolio of the traded bonds (or derivatives). In this view, the hedging ratios determined by the interpolation are as important (if not more) than getting the "right" interpolated rate; this is similar to the adjustments to the Black and Scholes delta as a consequence of the joint dynamics of the asset price and volatility in the different volatility models. We show how to learn the parameters of the weight functions and apply this method to the overnight rate indexed interest rates derivatives in Brazil. We then extend the concept from interpolating broken dates to the market references, in order to determine which points are key to the shape and dynamics of the curve and which points can be replicated by these real anchors.
1:30: Stéphane Crépey (Université Evry Val d’Essonne)
XVA analysis from the balance sheet
Abstract: Since the 2008-09 financial crisis, derivative dealers charge to their clients various add-ons, dubbed XVAs, meant to account for counterparty risk and its capital and funding implications. As banks cannot replicate jump-to-default related cash-flows, deals trigger wealth transfers from bank shareholders to bondholders and shareholders need to set capital at risk. On this basis, we devise a theory of XVAs, whereby the so-called contra-liabilities and cost of capital are sourced from bank clients at trade inceptions, on top of the fair valuation of counterparty risk, in order to compensate shareholders for wealth transfer and risk on their capital. The resulting all-inclusive XVA formula, meant incrementally at every new deal, reads (CVA+FVA+KVA), where C sits for credit, F for funding, and where the KVA is a cost of capital risk premium. All these XVAs are nonnegative and, even though we do crucially include the default of the bank itself in our modeling, unilateral in a certain sense. The corresponding XVA policy ensures to bank shareholders a submartingale wealth process corresponding to a target hurdle rate h on their capital at risk, consistently between and throughout deals.
Wednesday, May 22 th 2019, 6th Floor MSE
17h-18h: Maxence Soumare, Ekimetrics
Machine learning applied to Healtcare – How Ekimetrics Datascience expertise translates to the medical sector
Machine learning (ML) is a current hot topic in computer science research. This new promotion alongside an ever increasing ease to access and harness computing power has seen an explosion of ML applications to various fields. Although the medical domain is not Ekimetric’s main activity, the proposed use case demonstrates the capacity of the company to use data science to approach a wide range of questions and sectors. The presentation will introduce Ekimetric’s core activities and will then list some current Machine learning endeavors in Healthcare. We will then reintroduce some basics about neural networks, first for the biological ones followed by the same for their artificial counterparts. Lastly we will develop (methodology and technical choices) a use case that aims at answering a subject from Institut Gustave Roussy to detect renal cortex on radiologies.
18h-19h: Srinivas Raghavendra, department of economics, Galway University, Ireland
Dynamics of conflict between shareholders and managers: Revisiting the theory of firm under financialization
The period since 1980s, referred to as the “financialization” era, has witnessed profound changes in the way in which the financial markets and institutions interacted with the real economy. Although there is no one commonly agreed definition of the phenomenon “financialization”, the term is often used to refer the growing ascendency of ‘shareholder value’ as a mode of corporate governance. The shareholder power over manager is one of the channels through which financialization is argued to impact on the accumulation and growth decisions of firms. Here, we revisit the conventional theory of firm and introduce the shareholders-managers conflict to study the implications of financialization on the real economy in terms of some of the macroeconomic variables such as capacity utilization and growth.
Wednesday, March 20 th 2019, 6th Floor MSE
17h-18h: Eric Jondeau, HEC Lausanne
Long-Term Financial Returns: VAR vs. DSGE Model – A Horse-Race
This paper considers an institutional investor who is implementing a long-term portfolio allocation using forecasts of financial returns. We compare the predictive performance of two competing macro-finance models —an unrestricted Vector AutoRegression (VAR) and a fully structural Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model— for investment horizons from 2 to 15 years. We show that, although the performances are similar for short horizons, the DSGE model outperforms the unrestricted VAR at forecasting financial returns in the long term. This model also generates substantially higher Sharpe ratios for mean-variance allocations. Even if it contains fewer unknown parameters, the DSGE model benefits from economically grounded restrictions that help anchor financial returns in the long term.
18h-19h: Florian Ielpo, Unigestion SA, Paris 1 Sorbonne University, Labex ReFi, and IPAG
Factor Timing Revisited: Alternative Risk Premia Allocation Based on Nowcasting and Valuation Signals
Alternative risk premia are encountering growing interest from investors. The vast majority of the academic literature has been focusing on describing the alternative risk premia (typically, momentum, carry and value strategies) individually. In this article, we investigate the question of allocation across a diversified range of cross-asset alternative risk premia over the period 1990-2018. For this, we design an active (macro risk-based) allocation framework that notably aims to exploit alternative risk premia’s varying behaviour in different macro regimes and their valuations over time. We perform backtests of the allocation strategy in an out-of-sample setting, shedding light on the significance of both sources of information.
Wednesday, February 20 th 2019, 6th Floor MSE
17h-18h: Othmane Mounjid, Ecole Polytechnique
Optimal liquidity-based trading tactics (with Charles-Albert Lehalle and Mathieu Rosenbaum)
We consider an agent who needs to buy (or sell) a relatively small amount of asset over some fixed short time interval. We work at the highest frequency meaning that we wish to find the optimal tactic to execute our quantity using limit orders, market orders and cancellations. To solve the agent’s control problem, we build an order book model and optimize an expected utility function based on our price impact. We derive the equations satisfied by the optimal strategy and solve them numerically. Moreover, we show that our optimal tactic enables us to outperform significantly naive execution strategies.
Wednesday, January 23 th 2019, 6th Floor MSE
17h-19h: Giulia Rotundo, Sapienza University of Rome
Complex networks modeling for financial data
The seminar aims to show some usage of complex networks analysis for modeling financial data. The main focus is going to be on three applications
- A copula approach to cross-ownership of companies,
- Herding in mutual funds,
- Assessing the impact of incomplete information on the resilience of financial networks.
In details:
- The cross-ownership of companies creates no trivial links among them. Within this respect, the diversification is intended to describe the holdings; and the integration represents the number of other companies that hold the shares. A high integration allows to spread fluctuations on the other companies, but it reduces the amount of profit to be kept in the company; a high diversification allows to spread the sources of risk, but at the same time it increases the probability to be exposed to fluctuations of other companies.
A copula approach for the detection of the most instable network topologies gives the results for the interaction among integration and diversification. A case study is used to outline the method.
- Herding in mutual funds
Some previous studies were emphasizing that correlations among stocks were loose during expansion periods of the market; and that they were stronger during recessions. Does it hold for mutual funds? We are going to build the network of mutual funds through the correlation network and to insert in the regression of the herding the centrality measures as explanatory variables. The results show that the behavior of mutual funds is just the opposite of the stocks.
- Assessing the impact of incomplete information on the resilience of financial networks
The paper faces the problem of the robustness of the network of interbank exposures against the propagation of failure cascades. The available data are retrieved through the BIS database and report only incomplete information, and show a core-periphery structure. A model of financial contagion is set up to estimate the width and length of the cascades, both in real and simulated data, that insert some percentages of the missing links. Simulations show that the network is far from the worst scenario for the propagation of contagions, and that the detection of the missing links is not trivial in the overall dynamic.