Choosing directions in a republic.

Interdisciplinary conference.

DCU. June 28th 2018.

A range of speakers gathered in Dublin City University's All Hallows campus on June 28th 2018 for a one-day conference around the themes of Jonathan Israel’s most recent book, The Expanding Blaze: How the American Revolution Ignited the World, 1775-1848.

Speakers were invited to give papers on the topics of their own research, with reference to questions such as: how polities choose between more and less democratic forms; who should decide; on how ideas form politics; and how ideas in one place influence those in another. Jonathan Israel, from the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, gave the keynote paper; the other speakers almost all work in Ireland, one working in Britain but on Irish topics.

The day was a success, with a very interesting exchange of ideas.

Click on the podcasts link above for recordings of the talks.

Bartholomew Begley, Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy, School of Theology, Philosophy and Music, Dublic City University