About the Resource

ChooseLife - Worship and Action for Creation is a resource developed in the Diocese of York, with support from the Church of England's Environment Programme. It may be adapted, printed and used by other dioceses of the Church of England. For a high resolution file for printing, please contact us: chooselifecreation@gmail.com




About the Authors

Diane Craven

Diane Craven is currently a freelance writer and an education and spirituality adviser. She is passionate about ministry with children in churches and about working with them to address their concerns for the future of our planet. She worked in a variety of schools as a teacher, Deputy Head and School Chaplain with responsibility for school worship. She was then employed as Children and Youth Adviser for the Diocese of Southwark for 10 years, helping churches to reimagine their ministry and mission by placing children and young people at the heart. She is a Licensed Lay Minister in the Church of England and regularly writes resources for learning, discipleship and worship in the church. In her spare time, she enjoys exploring wild places and finding solace in nature – especially by the sea, on pilgrimage or walking amongst mountains with friends.

Johannes Nobel

The Revd Johannes (Jan) Nobel is a parish priest of two Bronze awarded Eco Churches in York, as well as the Green Ambassador for the Diocese of York. Originally from The Netherlands, Jan moved to the United Kingdom in 2006 to train for ordination with the Church of England. He holds theology degrees from universities in Leuven (BE), Utrecht (NL) and Durham, and he teaches Doctrine of Creation at the Yorkshire Theological Education Partnership. He shares his life-long love for nature with his wife, an Environmental Scientist. On his days off Jan likes to go birdwatching or fossil hunting at the Yorkshire Coast, and he is a keen photographer. Many of the images in this book are taken by Jan.

Copyright Statement

Copyright © 2024

Diane Craven and Johannes Nobel

All rights reserved

Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible; Anglicized Edition, Copyright © 1989, 1995 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Design & artwork: Mark Comer Design4Print

Website: Google Sites and Johannes Nobel

Additional photographs purchased from the Adobe Stock Library