chooselife  (free download)

‘Therefore, choose life, that you and your offspring may live.’
(Deuteronomy 30.19)

ChooseLife - Worship and Action for Creation 

Creation isn’t just for Creationtide. In this e-book Diane Craven and Johannes Nobel take a creation-focused journey through the whole liturgical year, inspiring churches to link prayer with action to care for creation. 

This website contains printer-friendly liturgies for you to adapt and use in your own context. 

This resource was made possible through a generous grant from the Church of England’s Environment Programme and is available for free to all dioceses in the Church of England.


Advent Worship

Sunset Vigil 

Prayers for Advent Candles

Christmas Worship

Christingle Service

Epiphany Worship

Holy Communion

Ordinary Time I Worship

Psalm 148 - A Bible Study

Lent Worship

Lent Group Prayers

Song of Lament and Hope

Pet Blessing Service

Easter Worship

Outdoor Worship

Ascension Worship

Prayer for cities and towns

Pentecost Worship

Thanksgiving for the Elements

Song of Lament and Hope

Ordinary Time II Worship

God’s gifts - A Homily

Trinity Worship

A Service of the Word

Creationtide Worhip

Harvest Thanksgiving

Christ the King Worship

The Five Marks of Mission