Choof Studios

Game development studio in Ottawa, ON


Flappy Doge

Flappy Doge is a Flappy Bird inspired game where you play as a doge, collect cryptocurrency, and buy upgrades! Available on Android/iOS soon!

Dev Logs

Flappy Doge Dev Log - Week 2 (Apr 25)

Whats new?

Been making some good progress, and it's finally starting to feel like a playable game. I spent most of the week building a foundation for the project (API stuff, manager scripts, playerprefs etc..) . Making the assets took FOREVER. I've never done pixel art before so it's a major learning curve for me.

  • Created a completely new set of assets.

  • Changed the old scoring system to collecting doge.

  • Added CoinGecko API to get the DOGE:USDT conversion rate in realtime.

  • Used it to display your doge value in USD.

Whats next?

I need to add some playability to the game. As of now, it's REALLY boring. I figured if you spend all your time collecting DOGE, you need some way to use it. In the following week, I will start looking into a portfolio management system. Here are some of the things I plan to do:

  • Add a way to accumulate DOGE.

  • Adjust your earnings based on the size of you're portfolio.

  • Add incremental difficulty.

  • Add an earning multiplier the further you go in one run.

  • Idea: Add a rare shiny dogecoin that pays more DOGE.

I have a lot of ideas for the near future. I was thinking about adding a way to save your doge and earn interest somehow. I will keep you updated!
