Published Papers

Offshoring and Labor Markets ”, with David Hummels and Jakob Munch. Journal of Economic Literature, September 2018, 56(3),981-1028.

Product Cycles in U.S. Imports Data ”. Review of Economics and Statistics, December 2014, 96(5), 999-1004.

New Goods in U.S, Imports: HS Codes, TSUSA Codes.

The wage and employment effects of outsourcing: evidence from Danish matched worker-firm data ”, with David Hummels, Rasmus Jorgensen and Jakob Roland Munch. American Economic Review, 104 (6), June 2014, 1597-1629.

Reprinted in "Trade and Inequality", a volume in The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series, edited by Pinelopi K. Goldberg, Edward Elgar, 2015.

Exporting Christianity: Governance and Doctrine in the Globalization of Protestant Denominations ”, with Gordon Hanson. Journal of International Economics 91 (2), 301-320, November 2013.

Offshoring, Transition, and Training: Evidence from Danish Matched Worker-Firm Data ”, with David Hummels, Jakob Roland Munch and Lars Skipper. American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings, May 2012.

Testing the Melitz Model of Trade: An Application to U.S. Motion Pictures Exports ”, with Gordon Hanson. Journal of International Economics, 83, 14-26, 2011.

Explaining Import Quality: the Role of the Income Distribution ”, with YoChul Choi and David Hummels. Journal of International Economics, 78, 293-303. 2009.

Factor Uses and the Pattern of Specialization ”, with Georg Schaur and Anya Savikhin. Review of International Economics, 16(2), 368-382, 2008.

Diversification Cones, Trade Costs and Factor Market Linkages”. Journal of International Economics, Volume 71, Issue 2, April 2007, 448-466.

New Goods and the Skill Premium”. Journal of International Economics, Volume 71, Issue 1, 8 March 2007, 133-147.

New Goods and the Relative Demand for Skilled Labor”. Review of Economics and Statistics, May 2005, 285-298.

The Home Market Effect and Bilateral Trade Patterns, with Gordon Hanson. American Economic Review, September 2004, 94(4), 1108-1129.

The Sufficiency of the ‘Lens Condition’ for Factor Price Equalization in the Case of Two Factors. Journal of International Economics, (53)2, 2001. pp. 463-474.