You can see all our papers on Google Scholar.

19. Advanced Neural Functional Imaging in C. elegans Using Lab-on-a-Chip Technology

Youngeun Kwon, Jihye Kim, Ye Bin Son , Sol Ah Lee, Shin Sik Choi, and Yongmin Cho

Micromachines, 2024, 15(8), 1027

18. Pickering-type Phase Change Capsules for Skin-temperature-controllable Sunscreen Formulation

Jiyoon Park, Yeongyeong Kim, Hyunji Lee, Chimin Song, Seongeun Kang, Yongmin Cho† , and Joohyung Lee

Polymer(Korea), 2024, 48, 282-288 

17. Dynamic temperature control in microfluidics for in vivo imaging of cold-sensing in C. elegans 

Sol Ah Lee*, Yongmin Cho*, William R Schafer, Hang Lu  (*Equal contribution)

Biophysical Journal, 2024,  123 (8), 947

16. Trends in Single-Molecule Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Imaging and Their Biological Applications with Lab-on-a-Chip Technology 

Louis Colson, Youngeun Kwon, Soobin Nam, Avinashi Bhandari, Nolberto Martinez Maya, Ying Lu, and Yongmin Cho

Sensors, 2023,  23 (18), 7691 *featured as the front cover

15. Inverse Lansing effect: maternal age and provisioning affecting daughters’ longevity and male offspring production

C. E. Anderson, M. C. Malek, R. A. Jonas-Closs, Y. Cho, L. Peshkin, M. W. Kirschner, and L. Y. Yampolsky

American Naturalist, 2022,  200 (5), 704-721  

14. Rapamycin treatment during development extends lifespan and healthspan of male mice and Daphnia manga

A. V. Shindyapina, Y. Cho, A. Kaya, A. Tyshkovskiy, J.P. Castro, A. Deik, J. Gordevicius, J. R. Poganik, C. B. Clish, S. Horvath, L. Peshkin, V. N. Gladyshev

Science Advances, 2022, 8 (37), eabo5482 

13. Intelligent high-throughput intervention testing platform in Daphnia

Y.Cho, R. A. Jonas-Closs, Lev. Y. Yampolsky, M. W. Kirschner, and L. Peshkin

Aging Cell, 2022. 21 (3), e13571 

12. Lack of Age-related Respiratory Changes in Daphnia

C. E. Anderson, M. N. Ekwudo, R. A. Jonas-Closs, Y. Cho, L. M. Peshkin, M. W. Kirschner, and L. Y. Yampolsky

Biogerontology, 2022, 23 (1), 85-97 

11. Development of a novel fluorescent biosensor for dynamic monitoring of metabolic methionine redox status in cells and tissues

D. W. Choi, Y. J. Roh, S. Kim, H. M. Lee, M. Kim, D. Shin, J. H. Park, Y. Cho, H. H. Park, Y. S. Ok, D. Kang, J. H. Kim, L. Tarrago, N. N. Danial, V. N. Gladyshev, P. K. Min, B. C. Lee

Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2021, 178, 113031  

10. An automated platform to monitor long-term behavior and healthspan in C. elegans under precise environmental control

K. N. Le*, M. Zhan*, Y. Cho*, J. Wan, D. S. Patel, and H. Lu (*Equal contribution)

Communications Biology, 2020, 3 (1), 297  

9. Multimodal Stimulation in a Microfluidic Device Facilitates Studies of Interneurons in Sensory Integration in C. elegans 

Y. Cho*, S. A. Lee*, Y. L. Chew, K. Broderick, W. R. Schafer, and H. Lu  (*Equal contribution)

Small, 2020, 16 (10), 1905852   *featured as the front cover

8. An Afferent Neuropeptide System Transmits Mechanosensory Signals Triggering Sensitization and Arousal in C. elegans

Y. L. Chew, Y. Tanizawa, Y. Cho, B. Zhao, A. J. Yu, S. Ahn, C. Rankin, Y. J. You, H. Lu, I. Beets, and W. R. Schafer 

Neuron, 2018 , 99 (6), 1233-1246. e6 

7. On-chip functional neuroimaging to mechanical stimulation in Caenorhabditis elegans larvae for studying functional role of neural circuits

Y. Cho, D. N. Oakland, S. A. Lee, W. R. Schafer, and H. Lu

Lab on a chip, 2018, 18, 601-609 

6. A programmable platform for sub-second multichemical dynamic stimulation and neuronal functional imaging in C. elegans

T. Rouse, G. Aubry, Y. Cho, M. Zimmer and H. Lu 

Lab on a chip, 2018, 18, 505-513

5. Automated and controlled mechanical stimulation and functional imaging in vivo in C. elegans

Y. Cho*, D. A. Porto*, H. Hwang, L. J. Grundy, W. R. Schafer, and H. Lu (*Equal contribution)

Lab on a chip, 2017, 17, 2609-2618 

4. Trends in High-throughput and Functional Neuroimaging in C. elegans

Y. Cho, C. Zhao, and H. Lu

Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews - Systems Biology and Medicine, 2017, e01376  

3. An Insulin-to-Insulin Regulatory Network Orchestrates Phenotypic Specificity in Development and Physiology     

D. A. F. de Abreu, A. Caballero, P. Fardel, N. Stroustrup, Z. Chen, K. Lee, W. D. Keyes, Z. M. Nash, I. F. Lo´ pez-Moyado, F. Vaggi, A. Cornils, M. Regenass, A. Neagu, I. Ostojic, C. Liu, Y. Cho, D. Sifoglu, Y. Shen, W. Fontana, H. Lu, A. Csikasz-Nagy, C. T. Murphy, A. Antebi, E. Blanc, J. Apfeld, Y. Zhang, J. Alcedo, Q. Ch’ng

PLOS Genetics, 2014, 10(3), e1004225 

2. pH-Responsive Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles and “Spatiotemporally Concerted” Drug Release for Synergistic Cancer Therapy      

J. Nam, W. La, S. Hwang, Y. S. Ha, N. Park, N. Won, S. Jung, S. H. Bhang, Y. Ma, Y. Cho, M. Jin, J. Han, J. Shin, E. KyungWang, S. G. Kim, S. Cho, J. Yoo, B. Kim, S. Kim 

ACS Nano, 2013, 7 (4), 3388 – 3402   

1. Comparison between heparin-conjugated fibrin and collagen sponge as bone morphogenetic protein-2 carrier for bone regeneration       

H. S. Yang*, W. La*, Y. Cho, W. Shin, G. Yeo, B. Kim (*Equal contribution)

Experimental and Molecular Medicine, 2012, 44, 350-355