Research Interest


 We are interested in nano-structured systems of soft materials which exhibit the great potential for practical applications. Our goals are (1) to understand the structure-property relationship of the materials, (2) to understand the kinetics to achieve equilibrium and (3) to control the structure and dynamics for achieving high performance.

Polyelectrolyte Complex (Coacervation) Process

Liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) induced by various associative interactions including electrostatic, hydrophobic and π- π interaction is a great interesting process. We aim to understand the LLPS in aqueous media with a merit of model synthetic polymer systems, and to provide new insight for cellular signaling, regulation and organization as well as neurodegenerative diseases.

Characterization of Nano-structured Soft Materials: Block Copolymer Solution

Complex coacervation driven core micelle (C3M) and hydrogel (C3H) in aqueous media has been of interest in past years due to the superior potential for biocompatible applications including RNA/DNA delivery system, tissue engineering, and bio-coating process. We focus on understanding structure and dynamics of the nanostructures which are critical determinants for structural stability, cellular transportation and uptake in physiological conditions by using scattering method and rheological model.

Polyisobutylene based Elastomer

Polyisobutylene (PIB) and butyl rubber (poly(isoprene-co-isobutylene), IIR) are widely used in industrial and commercial rubber products such as tire bladder and shoes outsole due to low gas permeability and good damping property. We purpose to improve dispersion and mechanical properties of butyl rubber/inorganic composite.

본 연구실은 고분자 물질의 나노구조분석 및 해석을 통하여 다양한 유기물질의 열역학, 동역학, 그리고 구조-성질의 관계에 대한 이해를 증진시키고, 이를 바탕으로 BT, NT, IT로 응용분야를 넓히는 것에 목적을 두고 연구를 수행하고 있다.  


    - 2021-2026 : 한국연구재단 (개인연구사업(중견연구)) - 책

    - 2023-2025 : 한국연구재단 (해외대형연구시설활용연구지원사업) - 참여

    - 2018-2025 : 한국연구재단 (선도연구센터지원사업) - 참여

    - 2020-2022 : 한국연구재단 (해외대형연구시설활용연구지원사업) - 세부 책(종료)

    - 2022 : 한국생명공학연구원 (위탁과제) - 책임 (종료)

    - 2021 : 한국생명공학연구원 (위탁과제) - 책임 (종료)

    - 2016-2021 : 삼성미래기술육성사업 - 참여 (종료)

    - 2016-2021 : 한국연구재단 (신진연구자지원사업) - 책임 (종료)

    - 2017-2019 : 한국연구재단 (방사선기술개발사업) - 책임 (종료)

    - 2017-2019 : 한국연구재단 (해외대형연구시설활용연구지원사업) - 세부 책임 (종료) 

    - 2014-2019 : 한국산업기술평가관리원 (산업핵심기술 개발사업) - 세부 책임 (종료)

    - 2017-2018 : LG 하우시스 - 참여 (종료)

    - 2014-2016 : 한국과학기술연구원 (위탁과제) - 책임 (종료)

    - 2013-2016 : 한국연구재단 (신진연구자지원사업) - 책임 (종료)

    - 2013-2015 : 한국연구재단 (원자력연구개발사업) - 책임 (종료)