This year we are delighted to bring you our four seasonal Bakery Series chocolate bars wrapped in beautiful imagery, evocative of the festive bustle in the run up to Christmas at the bakery, by illustrator Jesse Bevan Brown.

Jesse & Joy's 'Chocolate' is a melodious ode to the sweetness of love, using the universal symbol of chocolate as a metaphor for the rich and delightful experience of being in love. The song is performed by the Mexican pop duo Jesse & Joy, known for their heartfelt lyrics and emotive music that often explores themes of love and relationships. Their style blends pop with elements of rock and folk, creating a sound that resonates with a wide audience.

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The lyrics of 'Chocolate' paint a picture of a love that is as sweet and irresistible as the confectionery it is named after. Phrases like 'T endulzas mi cancin' (You sweeten my song) and 'Nuestro amor sabe a chocolate' (Our love tastes like chocolate) suggest that the presence of the loved one adds flavor and joy to life's various situations. The repeated assertion that their love tastes like chocolate emphasizes the idea that their relationship is filled with moments that are as delightful and satisfying as savoring a piece of chocolate. The song also touches on the sensory experience of love, with references to taste and the heart 'melting' with just a glance, indicating the profound effect the loved one has on the singer's emotions.

The use of chocolate as a metaphor extends to the idea of love being a recipe of passion and an unconditional force. The lyrics 'Una probada y no ms / Vers que te hace volar' (Just one taste and nothing more / You'll see it makes you fly) suggest that even the smallest interaction with the beloved can elevate one's spirits, likening the experience to the euphoria often associated with eating chocolate. The song's upbeat tempo and joyful melody complement the sweet lyrics, creating an overall feeling of happiness and contentment that comes from being in a loving relationship. 'Chocolate' by Jesse & Joy is a celebration of love's ability to enrich our lives, making every moment more enjoyable and every emotion more intense.

A fresh minty twist on ice cream, this bead mix features a mist of creamy mint colored beads paired with dark chocolate brown chocolate chip beads. Each mix features faceted glass, milky glass, faux lava beads, mint pearls, brust silver metal accents, AB spacer beads, and more. Largest bead in mix measures approx 14mm. Smallest bead in mix measures approx. 4mm.

Melted butter is best suited for drop doughs such as chocolate chip, peanut butter, and sugar cookies, as well as most cookie bars. You can usually adapt recipes that don't originally call for melted butter to use this technique if you're looking for an even fudgier texture.

Rye Chocolate Chip Cookies: Any variation of chocolate chip cookies is prime for using melted butter. This version, made with nutty rye flour, is a great example of how melted butter can make the centers pleasantly gooey without being undercooked.

I generally make oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with the creamed butter technique, then scoop them into dough balls ready for baking and freeze them, so I can make small batches whenever I want throughout the month. How would the freezing affect the outcome if I melted the butter instead of creaming it? (For that matter, am I hurting my overall cookie outcome by freezing the dough?)

Experimental groups drank Fifth Quarter Fresh after each practice and game, sometimes six days a week, while control groups did not consume the chocolate milk. Analysis was performed on two separate groups: athletes who experienced concussions during the season and those who did not. Both non-concussed and concussed groups showed positive effects from the chocolate milk.

This recipe took a lot of testing, trial and error to make sure it was absolutely fool-proof and perfect. Along the way, I learnt a few tips that will help you bake the best ever thick chocolate chip cookies.

These were delicious, I found that they needed longer than instructed in the oven due to the freezing / size, but once cooked these were fantastic, lovely chunky and chocolatey. The only problem is holding back and not eating the whole tray!

Chinese New Year is just round the corner, and I've designed some exclusive packaging for Hong Kong based personalised (you can create your own flavours!) chocolatier chocoyou. The special new year red and gold sleeve is wrapped around a gift box of 5 chocolate bars. 2013 is the year of the snake, so I've based the illustration on a stylised Chinese papercut snake. When opened up flat, it also works as a fai chun (lucky sign) you can put up in your house. The shiny gold brings good fortune, wishing you a prosperous new year. Here are some of my sketches for the project...I also designed a sleeve for a special Valentine's Day set.The pretty watercolour floral illustration is a romantic Valentine bouquet.You can order both these box sets here, the perfect gifts.

Next, the beans will be fermented and dried out in the sun. This will provide the beans with the brown color we see in milk chocolate and dark chocolate. It takes the beans about a week to completely dry out. To make sure that the beans are dried all the way through, farmers rotate the beans to make sure all sides get exposure to the sun. After the beans are dried, they will be shipped from the farm to a factory. The beans will travel on cargo ships and will be transported across the world to be made into the chocolate that you eat.

Once the beans arrive at the factory, they will travel through different machines to roast the beans which will make the beans more flavorful and mash them. The chocolate will then be mixed to separate the cocoa butter from the cocoa. At this stage, the cocoa does not taste like the chocolate that we know yet. It needs to be mixed with sugar, milk, and other ingredients to make milk chocolate. Then this new mixture will be poured into molds before they are wrapped and sent to stores to be sold.

During the first month of the year 2010, a group of 9 brave soldiers worked for 30 days straight, without seeing the light of day inside a secret dungeon located in Los Angeles, California. Their task was to gather 90 handmade cookies, sugar, milk, flour, chocolate, eggs and dough; and utilize them to create a 4 minute stop motion video for a foreign artist whose lyrics still remain unknown. They disappeared for 6 weeks and just recently emerged out of the darkness with a small floppy disk containing this: 

The Official music video for Chocolate!!! 0852c4b9a8

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