Welcome to Chocksett PTO

The following are answers to some frequently asked questions about PTO. Please feel free to ask any PTO Board Members any additional questions you may have.

1. Who makes up the PTO?

All parents and/or legal guardians of children who currently attend Chocksett Middle School and all current faculty and staff of Chocksett Middle School are automatically members of the PTO.

2. Who makes up the PTO Board and how/when are board members elected?

The PTO Board consists of four officers: two to four co-chairs* (2 year term), treasurer (2 year term), and secretary (2 year term). Interested candidates should notify the members at the April PTO meeting and voting is held at the May PTO meeting. *The co-chair position is structured so that one co-chair is in the second year of his/her term and the other co-chair is in the first year of his/her term.

3. What does the PTO do?

The purpose of the organization is to aid the children of Chocksett Middle School by providing support for their educational and cultural needs and to promote open communication between the administration, teachers and parents. The PTO provides personnel, support, services and funds necessary for accomplishing these goals. This includes funding classroom enrichment programs, teacher mini grants, teacher resource funds and family fun nights. The PTO relies completely on the fundraising that is done throughout the school year to provide the necessary funds.

4. What is the best way to become involved in PTO?

The best way to become involved with the PTO is to attend the meetings, which are held the third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in the Chocksett Library. You can also keep up with PTO happenings by reviewing the updates which are posted on the PTO website at:


Another way to keep up with information about Chocksett Middle School is to check out the school website at:


5. Who votes on issues?

All members present at a meeting are eligible to make a motion and to vote, excluding the Principal and Assistant Principal. Motions requiring the expenditure of more than $100.00 must be voted on and approved by the membership.

6. What happens to the volunteer request form after I fill it out?

The forms are provided to a volunteer coordinator and compiled into a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet contains each individuals contact information and his/her specific interest. The spreadsheets are provided to activity/committee chairs who will then contact the listed volunteers as needed.

7. What happens once I volunteer for a committee or activity?

First, thank you to anyone who volunteers his/her time in our school or at a PTO sponsored event. We cannot do it without your help. If you have expressed an interest on the volunteer registration form to help with a particular event or area, you will be contacted by the co-chair of that event or person responsible. Attending monthly PTO meetings is the best way to get involved and stay informed.

8. What is Curriculum Enrichment?

Curriculum enrichment programs are special programs which enhance classroom curriculum, but which fall outside of the school budget. These programs often involve presentations by outside sources. A PTO representative works with the Principal and staff to schedule these events for the school year. The funding for these programs comes solely from fundraising events sponsored by the PTO.

9. What are Mini Grants?

Mini Grants are a one time monetary grant given to a teacher or group of teachers to purchase materials or to fund a specific project or activity.

Mini grants shall not exceed $750. First, the teacher must obtain the Principal’s approval. Once approved, the teacher will present his/her proposal at the monthly PTO meeting. Typically, the teacher also provides the PTO with a written summary of his/her idea, needs, and anticipated budget.

10. What is SIMCO?

SIMCO, or School Improvement and Modernization Council, is a volunteer committee comprised of teachers, administration, parents, and community representatives which meet monthly during the school year. The focus of SIMCO is school improvement.