Chloé Nibourel

Universitetsvägen 10

106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

Room A865


Contact: chloe.nibourel [ât]

I am a PhD candidate in Economics at the Institute for International Economic Studies (IIES), Stockholm University, and at the Stockholm School of Economics. My research interests are in Political and Public Economics.

In September 2024,  I will start as a Postdoc at SOFI, Stockholm University.

I am mainly interested in understanding the political systems in advanced democracies, and how they can be developed to tackle current challenges. More precisely, I have two main lines of research. The first one is on political polarization and the other on digital technologies. By examining these important evolutions, I aim to shed light on their impact not only on political actors and institutions themselves but also on public policies and the delivery of essential public goods.


Torsten Persson (Advisor)

Robert Östling (Advisor)

Mitch Downey