

29. Etienne L., Fabre F., Martinetti D., Frank E., Michel L., Bonnardot V., Guérin-Dubrana L., Delmas C.E.L. Exploring the role of cultivar, year, and plot age in the prevalence of grapevine trunk diseases: insights from 20 years of regional surveys in France. submitted. [Preprint] available here:

28. Gastou P., Destrac-Irvine A., Arcens C., Courchinoux E., This P., Van Leeuwen C. Delmas C.E.L., Large gradient of susceptibility to esca disease revealed by long-term monitoring of 46 grapevine cultivars in a common garden vineyard. submitted. [Preprint] available here:

27. Soubeyrand S. et al. Building integrated plant health surveillance: a proactive research agenda for anticipating and mitigating disease and pest emergence. submitted.


26. Delmas C.E.L., Bancal M-O.,  Leyronas C., Robin M-H., Vidal T., Launay M. (2024) Monitoring the phenology of plant pathogenic fungi: why and how? Biological Reviews, https://doi: 10.1111/brv.13058

25. Lecomte P., Bénétreau C., Diarra B., Meziani Y., Delmas C.E.L., Fermaud M. (2024) Logistic modeling of summer expression of esca symptoms in tolerant and susceptible cultivars in Bordeaux vineyards. Oeno One, 58(1). #OPEN ACCESS

24. Torres-Ruiz, J.M.; Cochard, H.; Delzon, S.; Boivin, T.; Burlett, R.; Cailleret, M.; Corso, D.; Delmas, C.E.L.; de Caceres, M. ; Diaz-Espejo , A. ; Fernandez-Conradi, P.; Guillemot, J.; Lamarque, L.; Limousin, J.-M.; Mantova, M. ; Mencuccini, M.; Morin, X.; Pimont, F.; Resco de Dios, V.; Ruffault, J.; Trueba, S.; & Martin-StPaul, N. (2024) Plant hydraulics at the heart of plant, crops and ecosystem functions in the face of climate change. New Phytologist, 241: 984–999. #OPEN ACCESS

23. Dell'Acqua N., Gambetta G.A., Delzon S., Ferrer N., Lamarque L.J., ,Saurin N., Theodore P., Delmas C.E.L. (2024) Grapevine resilience mechanisms to esca: investigating stem radial growth, xylem development, and physiological adaptations.  Annals of Botany, 133 (2), 321–336, 

22. Lamarque L.J., Delmas C.E.L., Charrier G., Burlett R., Dell’Acqua N., Pouzoulet J., Gambetta G.A., Delzon S. (2023) Quantifying the grapevine xylem embolism resistance spectrum to identify varieties and regions at risk in a future dry climate. Scientific Reports, 13, 7724. #OPEN ACCESS

21. Bortolami G., Ferrer N., Baumgartner K., Delzon S., Gramaje D., Lamarque L.J., Romanazzi G., Gambetta G.A., Delmas C.E.L. (2023) Esca grapevine disease involves leaf hydraulic failure and represents a unique senescence program. Tree Physiology, 43(3), 441–451, PDF

20. Vacher C., Francioni C., Michel M., Fort T., Faivre d'Arcier J., Chancerel E., Delmotte F., Delmas C.E.L. (2022) Fungal metabarcoding data for two grapevine varieties (Regent and Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet-Sauvignon) inoculated with powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator) under drought conditions. Phytobiomes Journal,  6 : 358-367. #OPEN ACCESS

19. Bortolami G., Gambetta G.A., Cassan C., Dayer S., Farolfi E., Ferrer N., Gibon, Y., Jolivet J., Lecomte P., Delmas C.E.L. (2021) Grapevines under drought do not express esca leaf symptoms, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118 (43) e2112825118;

18. Bortolami G., Farolfi E., Badel E., Burlett R., Cochard H., Ferrer N., King A., Lamarque L.J., Lecomte P., Marchesseau-Marchal M., Pouzoulet J., Torres-Ruiz J.M., Trueba S.,  Delzon S.,  Gambetta G.A., Delmas C.E.L. (2021) Seasonal and long-term consequences of esca grapevine disease on stem xylem integrity. Journal of Experimental Botany, 72, 3914–3928. LINK

17. Pouzoulet J., Rolshausen P.E., Charbois R., Chen J., Guillaumie S., Ollat N., Gambetta G.A., Delmas C.E.L. (2020) Behind the Curtain of the Compartmentalization Process: Exploring How Xylem Vessel Diameter Impacts Vascular Pathogen Resistance. Plant, Cell & Environment, 43, 2782–2796. doi: 10.1111/pce.13848. Link, PDF

16. Delmas C.E.L., Kooyman R.M., Rossetto M. (2020) Evolutionary constraints and adaptation shape the size and colour of rainforest fruits and flowers at continental scale. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29: 830–841. https://doi. org/10.1111/geb.13065 Link, PDF

15. Bortolami G, Gambetta GA, Delzon S, Lamarque LJ, Pouzoulet J, Badel E, Burlett R, Charrier G, Cochard H, Dayer S, Jansen S, King A, Lecomte P, Lens F, Torres-Ruiz JM, Delmas C.E.L. (2019) Exploring the hydraulic failure hypothesis of esca leaf symptom formation. Plant Physiology, 181: 1163-1174; DOI: 10.1104/pp.19.00591  Link , PDF #OPEN ACCESS

14. Charrier G, Delzon S, Domec JC, Zhang L, Delmas C.E.L., Merlin I, Corso D, Ojeda H, Ollat N, Prieto JA, Scholach T, Skinner P, van Leeuwen K, Gambetta GA. (2018) Drought will not leave your glass empty: Low risk of hydraulic failure revealed by long-term drought observations in world’s top wine regions. Science Advances, 4: eaao6969 Link #OPEN ACCESS

13. Delmas C.E.L.*, Dussert Y*, Delière L, Couture C, Mazet ID, Richart Cervera S., Delmotte F.  (2017) Soft selective sweeps in fungicide resistance evolution: recurrent mutations without fitness costs in grapevine downy mildew. Molecular Ecology, 26: 1936:1951 Link, PDF, Dataset; *Equal contribution

12. Charrier G, Torres-Ruiz JM, Badel E, Burlett R, Choat B, Cochard H, Delmas C.E.L., Domec JC, Jansen S, King A, Lenoir N, Martin-StPaul N, Gambetta GA, Delzon S. (2016) Evidence for hydraulic vulnerability segmentation and lack of xylem refilling under tension. Plant Physiology, 172: 1657-1668  Link, #OPEN ACCESS

11. Lens F., Picon-Cochard C., Delmas C.E.L., Signarbieux C., Buttler A., Cochard H., Jansen S., Chauvin T., Chacon Doria L., del Arco M., Delzon S. (2016) Herbaceous angiosperms are not more vulnerable to drought-induced embolism than angiosperm tree. Plant Physiology, 172: 661–667.  Link, #OPEN ACCESS

10. Delmas C.E.L., Fabre F., Jolivet J., Mazet I.D., Richart Cervera S., Delière L., Delmotte F. (2016) Adaptation of a plant pathogen to partial host resistance: selection for greater aggressiveness in grapevine downy mildew. Evolutionary Applications, 9 : 709-725 Link, Dataset, #OPEN ACCESS, Press release (in french)

9. Delmas C.E.L., Fort T.L.C. Escaravage N., Pornon A. (2016) Pollen transfer in fragmented plant populations: insight from the pollen loads of pollinators and stigmas in a mass-flowering species. Ecology and Evolution,  6: 5663-5673. Link, #OPEN ACCESS

8. Delmas C.E.L., Escaravage N., Cheptou P-O, Charrier O., Ruzafa S., Winterton P. and Pornon A.(2015) Relative impact of mate versus pollinator availability on pollen limitation and outcrossing rates in a mass-flowering species. Plant Biology, 17: 209-218. Link

7. Delmas C.E.L.,, Mazet I.D., Jolivet J., Delière L., Delmotte F. (2014) Simultaneous quantification of sporangia and zoospores in a biotrophic oomycete with an automatic particle analyzer: disentangling dispersal and infection potentials. Journal of Microbiological Methods 107: 169-175. Link

6. Delmas C.E.L., Cheptou P-O, Escaravage N.  and Pornon A. (2014) High lifetime inbreeding depression counteracts the reproductive assurance benefit of selfing in a mass-flowering shrub. BMC Evolutionary Biology 14:243. Link, #OPEN ACCESS

5. Delmas C.E.L., Escaravage N., Pornon A. (2014) Massive floral display affects insect visits but not pollinator-mediated pollen transfer in Rhododendron ferrugineum. Plant Biology 16: 234-243. Link

4. Charrier O, Delmas C.E.L., Pornon A., Escaravage N. (2013) Development of 18 microsatellite markers in Rhododendron ferrugineum (Ericaceae) for investigating genetic structure at margins. Conservation Genetics Resources 5: 473-477. Link

3. Delmas C.E.L., Lhuillier E., Pornon A. Escaravage N. (2011) Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Rhododendron ferrugineum (Ericaceae) using pyrosequencing technology. American Journal of Botany 98: e120-e122.  Link

2. Delmas C.E.L., Delzon S. and Lortie C.J. (2011) A meta-analysis of the ecological significance of density in tree invasions. Community Ecology 12:171-178. Link, Dataset

1. Gaudnik C., Corcket E., Clément B., Delmas C.E.L., Gombert-Courvoisier S., Muller S.,  Stevens C. J. and Alard D. (2011) Detecting the footprint of changing atmospheric nitrogen deposition on acid grasslands in the context of climate change. Global Change Biology 17: 3351-3365. Link

Technical articles

4. Marguerit E., Delmas C., Dewasme C., Lauvergeat V., Ollat N. (2023) En quoi la diversité génétique des porte-greffes peut-elle permettre de lutter contre les dépérissements ? Union Girondine des Vins de Bordeaux.

3. Bortolami G., Gambetta G., Delmas C.E.L. (2023) One or the other: under drought, grapevines do not express esca leaf symptoms. IVES Technical Reviews

2. Bortolami G., Delmas C. (2022) Impacts de l’esca sur le transport de l’eau de la vigne. Revue des Œnologues, 182, 21-23.

Book chapters
