Ph.D. Candidate in Quantitative Marketing
Yale School of Management


Hi! My name is Chi-Ying Wang. I am a Ph.D. candidate in Quantitative Marketing at Yale School of Management. I employ analytical modeling and causal inference methodologies to investigate pivotal questions, encompassing communication, recommender systems and AI, mergers and acquisitions, and product innovations. 

I will be on the 2024/2025 academic job market. Here is my CV. You can reach me at

Job Market Paper

Wang, Chi-Ying, "Optimal Design of Recommended Choice Sets" [pdf]


Shin, Jiwoong and Chi-Ying Wang, "The Role of Messenger in Advertising Content: Bayesian Persuasion Perspective," forthcoming, Marketing Science [pdf] [Online Appendix]

Working Paper

Wang, Chi-Ying, Hung-Ni Chen, and Aniko Öry, "A Disclosure Game with (Non-)Experts and the Role of Information-Sharing Incentives," under review, The RAND Journal of Economics [pdf] [Online Appendix]

Works in Progress

"Platform Format and Consumer Information" (with Jiwoong Shin)

"The Effect of Mergers and Acquisitions on Local Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Craft Beer Markets" (with Kosuke Uetake and Jiwoong Shin)