Aniko Öry
I am an Associate Professor of Economics (without tenure) at the Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University. I was previously an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Yale School of Management.
My research focuses on Microeconomic Theory, Industrial Organizations and Quantitative Marketing. Currently, I work mostly on dynamic games including dynamic price competition between firms and coordination games, and on communication games.
I serve as an associate editor for the Journal of Industrial Economics and the Rand Journal of Economics.
Email: aoery (at) andrew.cmu (dot) edu
Curriculum Vitae: pdf
website last updated: July, 2023
Photo credit: Charis X. Lee
Published and accepted papers:
1. Aiming for the Goal: Contribution Dynamics of Crowdfunding pdf
Joint with Joyee Deb and Kevin R. Williams
conditionally accepted, American Economic Review
2. Mentoring and the Dynamics of Affirmative Action pdf
joint with Michèle Müller-Itten
AEJ: Economic Policy, May 2022, Vol.14, No. 2, pp.
Notre Dame News article:
Yale Insights article:
3. Contracting with Word-of-Mouth Management pdf
joint with Yuichiro Kamada
Management Science, November 2020, Vol.66, No. 11, pp. 5094-5107
Online Supplementary Appendix: pdf
(Previously circulated as "Encouraging Word of Mouth: Free Contracts, Referral Programs, or Both?")
Yale Insights article:
4. The Benefit of Collective Reputation pdf
Joint with Zvika Neeman and Jungju Yu
RAND Journal of Economics, Winter 2019, Vol. 50, Issue 4, 787-821
5. Transparency and Distressed Sales under Asymmetric Information pdf
joint with William Fuchs and Andrzej Skrzypacz
Theoretical Economics, 2016, Vol. 11, Issue 3 (Sept.), 1103-1144
6. The "Magic Formula" for Linearly Edge-Reinforced Random Walks pdf
joint with Franz Merkl and Silke W.W. Rolles
Statistica Neerlandica, 2008, Vol. 62, Nr. 3, 345-363
7. A Disclosure Game with (Non-)Experts pdf
joint with Hung-Ni Chen and Chi-Ying Wang
8. Dynamic Price competition with Capacity Constraints pdf
joint with Jose Betancourt, Ali Hortacsu and Kevin R. Williams
Formerly: Dynamic Price Competition: Theory and Empricial Evidence From Airline Markets pdf
Working Papers:
8. When do consumers talk? pdf
joint with Ishita Chakraborty and Joyee Deb
(formerly: Managing Word of Mouth Content)
Yale Center for Customer Insights Blog:
10. Influence or Advertise: The role of Social Learning in Influencer Marketing pdf
joint with Ron Bermann and Xudong Zheng
11. Consumers on a Leash: Advertised Sales and Intertemporal Price Discrimination pdf
12. Competing for Talent pdf
Joint with Yuhta Ishii and Adrien Vigier
Work in Progress:
13. Education Signaling with Two Groups
joint with Gabriella Fuschini
1. Managerial Economics (MBA Core Class)
Yale SOM:
1. Strategic Market Measurements
2. Listening to the Customer
3. International Experience Japan trip
(blog on SOM website, press release Yamaha, consulate in Boston)
Other Resources:
Women in Economic Theory:
List of women in economic theory: link
Some of us got together and created a (crowdsourced) list of women in economic theory. We hope this list keeps growing! We are sure there are people whom we missed, or whom we do not know of. If you do not want to be on this list, or if you know of someone who identifies as a female economic theorist and would like to be added to this list, please email me at
Women in Economic Theory Conference:
Along with Arjada Bhardi, Joyee Deb, and Anne-Katrin Roesler, we organized the first conference for Women in Economic Theory at NYU. The objective was to offer a platform to present and discuss innovative research in microeconomic theory and to create a research community for future collaboration, mentorship, and professional support. It was a two-day conference with research talks with discussants, a plenary talk, and a panel discussion about thriving and succeeding in the profession.
Conference program List of participants Pictures
Save the date: The next Women in Theory Conference will be hosted at Yale University on May 2-3, 2025.
Quant Women in Marketing: This is a list (work in progress) of women Marketing researchers: link
URM in Marketing: Here is also a list of UMR scholars in marketing: link
Theory in Marketing: ... and a list of theorists in marketing: link