
SelectIVE papers under review/revision:

* the corresponding author

Chen, C.*, Liang, J., Chen, E., Wang, M., Advancing Information Integration through Empirical Likelihood: Selective Reviews and a New Idea, Under review.

Chen, C., Shardell, M., Speiser, J. L., Bandeen-Roche, K., Allore, H., Travison, T. G., ... & Murphy, T. E. (2024). Gerontologic Biostatistics 2.0: Developments over 10+ years in the age of data science. Under revision.

Chen, C., Han, P., Chen, S., Shardell, M., Qin, J., Integrating External Summary Information in the Presence of Prior Probability Shift: An Application to Assessing Essential Hypertension. Under revision.

Deng, D., Zhang, L., Feng, H., Chinchilli, V., Wang, M., Chen., C.*, Improving Estimation Efficiency for Survival Data Analysis by Integrating a Coarsened Time-to-Event Outcome from an External Study. Under revision.

Chen, C.*, Chen, S., Ye, Z., Shi, X., Ma, T. The Effect of Substance Use on Brain Ageing: A New Causal Inference Framework for Incomplete and Massive Phenomic Data. Under revision.

Peer-reviewed Publications:

First/Corresponding Author Publications

* the corresponding author

Collaboration Publications