The other day I stumbled upon a different keyboard within the F-Droid repo called Unexpected Keyboard and I really like this thing for editing notes on Android.

It has a number of nice features that make it ideal:

The basic way it works is like a normal keyboard but also has symbols in the corners of the buttons, a small swipe towards that corner puts in that symbol which means that just on a single layer you get pretty much everything you could want - it even biases them towards the right side for easy one handed typing (sorry lefties, I looked at the settings but can't see anything to swap it).

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The default Samsung Keyboard has Predictive Text enabled as an option; with this enabled, the keyboard flickers between normal functioning and selecting all text in the primary entry box, which disables the keyboard. This effect only occurs when editing a note in edit mode; other text boxes in the app are unaffected.

I'm having a new problem this morning on the Android app. As soon as I click anywhere on the screen to type in edit mode, the keyboard keeps continuously opening and closing rapidly, making it impossible to type. I updated Android last night, so it may be related.

I'm debugging an issue with the soft keyboard display not displaying when it should. However, I don't have a device handy for testing. The problem is that the emulator never shows the soft keyboard.

This will bring up a Dialog in which case you can then disable the Hardware Keyboard by switching the hardware keyboard from on to off. This will disable the Hardware keyboard and enable the softkeyboard.

Settings > Language & input > Current keyboard > Hardware Switch ON. 

It allows you to use your physical keyboard for input while at the same time showing the soft keyboard.I just tested it on Android Lollipop and it works.

Since the last android app update 1password no longer shows any pass options over the keyboard. It just says open 1password. I then have to click, open up the app search for which one i want and fill it. It's 10x more laborious than 2 weeks ago. Is this just me or are other folks seeing this too?

So all I get above the keyboard now is a 1password button, but no login suggestions. I have several sites I visit which have mutliple logins, so it was quite useful to be able to click the one I want with one click, rather than having to go into 1password first.

Just to clarify, the issue people are mentioning here specifically relates to a change that was introduced with the February 23rd 2023 beta release and the March 7th 2023 production release of 1Password for Android. These releases addressed, among other things, an Autofill issue where the number strip on the keyboard could block the suggestion strip.

After writing in the edit field and clicking on the Button, I want to hide the virtual keyboard when touching outside the keyboard. I assume that this is a simple piece of code, but where can I find an example of it?

This will force the keyboard to be hidden in all situations. In some cases, you will want to pass in InputMethodManager.HIDE_IMPLICIT_ONLY as the second parameter to ensure you only hide the keyboard when the user didn't explicitly force it to appear (by holding down the menu).

To help clarify this madness, I'd like to begin by apologizing on behalf of all Android users for Google's downright ridiculous treatment of the soft keyboard. The reason there are so many answers, each different, for the same simple question is that this API, like many others in Android, is horribly designed. I can think of no polite way to state it.

I want to hide the keyboard. I expect to provide Android with the following statement: Keyboard.hide(). The end. Thank you very much. But Android has a problem. You must use the InputMethodManager to hide the keyboard. OK, fine, this is Android's API to the keyboard. BUT! You are required to have a Context in order to get access to the IMM. Now we have a problem. I may want to hide the keyboard from a static or utility class that has no use or need for any Context. or And FAR worse, the IMM requires that you specify what View (or even worse, what Window) you want to hide the keyboard FROM.

This is what makes hiding the keyboard so challenging. Dear Google: When I'm looking up the recipe for a cake, there is no RecipeProvider on Earth that would refuse to provide me with the recipe unless I first answer WHO the cake will be eaten by AND where it will be eaten!!

This won't work because you'll be passing a reference to the Fragment's host Activity, which will have no focused control while the Fragment is shown! Wow! So, for hiding the keyboard from fragments, I resort to the lower-level, more common, and uglier:

There's yet another point of contention to be aware of. By default, Android will automatically assign initial focus to the first EditText or focusable control in your Activity. It naturally follows that the InputMethod (typically the soft keyboard) will respond to the focus event by showing itself. The windowSoftInputMode attribute in AndroidManifest.xml, when set to stateAlwaysHidden, instructs the keyboard to ignore this automatically-assigned initial focus.

Almost unbelievably, it appears to do nothing to prevent the keyboard from opening when you touch the control (unless focusable="false" and/or focusableInTouchMode="false" are assigned to the control). Apparently, the windowSoftInputMode setting applies only to automatic focus events, not to focus events triggered by touch events.

I feel this method is better, simpler and more aligned with Android's design pattern.In the simple example above (and usually in most of the common cases) you'll have an EditText that has/had focus and it also usually was the one to invoke the keyboard in the first place (it is definitely able to invoke it in many common scenarios). In that same way, it should be the one to release the keyboard, usually that can be done by an ImeAction. Just see how an EditText with android:imeOptions="actionDone" behaves, you want to achieve the same behavior by the same means.

For older versions, I got very good results (but far from perfect) with a OnGlobalLayoutListener, added with the aid of a ViewTreeObserver from my root view and then checking if the keyboard is shown like this:

I have spent more than two days working through all of the solutions posted in the thread and have found them lacking in one way or another. My exact requirement is to have a button that will with 100% reliability show or hide the on screen keyboard. When the keyboard is in its hidden state is should not re-appear, no matter what input fields the user clicks on. When it is in its visible state the keyboard should not disappear no matter what buttons the user clicks. This needs to work on Android 2.2+ all the way up to the latest devices.

For me, temporarily hiding the keyboard is not enough. On some devices it will re-appear as soon as a new text field is focused. As my app uses multiple text fields on one page, focusing a new text field will cause the hidden keyboard to pop back up again.

Unfortunately item 2 and 3 on the list only work reliability when an activity is being started. Once the activity has become visible you cannot permanently hide or show the keyboard. The trick is to actually restart your activity when the user presses the keyboard toggle button. In my app when the user presses on the toggle keyboard button, the following code runs:

If the soft keyboard should be shown, then the InputMethodManager is told to show the keyboard and the window is instructed to make the soft input always visible. If the soft keyboard should be hidden then the WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM is set.

This approach works reliably on all devices I have tested on - from a 4 year old HTC phone running android 2.2 up to a nexus 7 running 4.2.2. The only disadvantage with this approach is you need to be careful with handling the back button. As my app essentially only has one screen (its a calculator) I can override onBackPressed() and return to the devices home screen.

Alternatively to this all around solution, if you wanted to close the soft keyboard from anywhere without having a reference to the (EditText) field that was used to open the keyboard, but still wanted to do it if the field was focused, you could use this (from an Activity):

Please implement a custom keyboard for filling usernames, passwords, and other fields, including custom ones, on Android. This would be useful for security, convenience, and usability reasons, as it would reduce use of the clipboard, allow easier selection of custom fields without leaving the target app, and be supported by almost any app, regardless of newness.

I just switched to Colemak last week and now that I am familiar with it, I would like to change my android keyboard to Colemak. I tried using the Colemak Keyboard by Softcrust Solution, but it has ads everywhere. What is everyone else using?

I am liking the messagease keyboard. The typing game really helped a lot. After getting at least 15 WPM on each game mode, I'm fairly adapted to it now. I also set up some sample text in keyhero (15 Bible verses that I am trying to memorize) and typed each one of them until I got at least 20 WPM.

If nothing else, its worth it just for the reactions I get from others that see me using it! I have thought about using the blank keyboard mode in advanced settings, but I don't think I'm quite there yet. It won't be long though, maybe just a couple more weeks.

I didnt last long on MessegEase. I had some issues with the keyboard appearing, and disappearing. And haven't warmed that well to typing on mobile at all. I did try Dvorak on Gboard, thinking it should be good because of the alternation, with vowels on the left. But again I didn't realise how much Qwerty was still oddly ingrained in my brain. I have two Android devices, the smaller of which is a pain for thumbing keys because of my fat fingers. I don't much enjoy using these, and in some way would favour a T9 system or something with really good predictive text. It's a case of just about good enough. But you see everyone in the streets stumbling around like zombies trying to thumb their keyboards. It's quite a barrier, and I worry now that it's probably one of those things that is probably an established wrong. ff782bc1db

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