Useful links & resources


Screen Recording Instructions : Using Windows Game Bar OR Active Presenter 7

** Works only in Windows 10

Screen Recording - Windows Game Bar.pdf

** Works in both Windows & Mac OS

Record Video Demonstrations in Active Presenter 7.pdf

Project Submission Instructions : Scratch Project URL & Youtube Project URL

Project Submission.pdf


Here, we have listed some of the useful resources to learn about scratch and its fundamentals, including making games, stories and animations

    • Introductory Tutorials - Teaches how to move, spin, change color, dance, follow the mouse, glide, jump/ spin when you clap, make simple game and story [Video]
    • Paint Editor Tips - Teaches how to change characters, vector vs bitmap, fill color, grouping, layers, backdrop images into sprite [Video]

Tips from Scratch Website

    • Getting started with SCRATCH v2.0 - Teaches how to move, add sound, dance continuously, say something, change color by key press, change background and some tips [pdf]
    • Things to Try - Animate a Name, Make it Fly, Make Music, Race to the Finish, Hide and Seek, Fashion Game, Create a Story, Pong Game, Let's Dance, Catch Game, Virtual Pet [Online Tutorial]
    • Scratch Cards for Starters - This contains a set of printable card that shows how to change color, move to beat, key moves, say something, glide, follow the mouse, dance twist, whirl, moving animation, surprise buttons and score tracking [pdf]
    • Scratch Cards - This link contains 12 different scratch cards each teaching a different concept, including animating your name, make it fly, race to the finish, make music, hide an seek, create a story, fashion game, pong game, let's dance, catch game and virtual pet [pdf]
Getting Started Guide Scratch v2.pdf
Started Cards.pdf

    • Animation Projects - Contains example animation projects on short movies, music videos, comical shorts, and more created through a variety of techniques

    • This is a free online course taught by Computer Science Professor from Harvey Mudd College. It comes with lecture videos, homework's, projects and quizzes [Online Course]
    • ** Note: This is taught in older version of Scratch. The fundamental concepts are still the same

  • This is a free course taught by University Professor which introduces you to computing and computer science using scratch environment [Video]
  • ** Note: This is taught in older version of Scratch. The fundamental concepts are still the same

Youtube Videos

  • This website contains youtube videos along with some high level information [Online Course]

Scratch Commands by Category

  • Contains the list of scratch commands in each category [pdf]
  • Print this card and refer it when needed
Scratch Commands by Category.pdf


  • It's a free e-book written by AISweigart. You’ll learn to program by making cool games where players destroy asteroids, shoot hoops, and slice and dice fruit!

Cool and crazy resources/ links

Click here to see Scratch Project