The "legacy" build of chirp contains support for some drivers that are not yet fixed in CHIRP-next due to ongoing development efforts. However, it no longer receives any updates, including new models, bug fixes, etc. If you have a radio that does not work in CHIRP-next because it requires attention, you may choose to run the older legacy version. Windows users may want to download the .zip file and keep it separate from their installed version of CHIRP-next.

A chirp is a signal in which the frequency increases (up-chirp) or decreases (down-chirp) with time. In some sources, the term chirp is used interchangeably with sweep signal.[1] It is commonly applied to sonar, radar, and laser systems, and to other applications, such as in spread-spectrum communications (see chirp spread spectrum). This signal type is biologically inspired and occurs as a phenomenon due to dispersion (a non-linear dependence between frequency and the propagation speed of the wave components). It is usually compensated for by using a matched filter, which can be part of the propagation channel. Depending on the specific performance measure, however, there are better techniques both for radar and communication. Since it was used in radar and space, it has been adopted also for communication standards. For automotive radar applications, it is usually called linear frequency modulated waveform (LFMW).[2]

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In spread-spectrum usage, surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices are often used to generate and demodulate the chirped signals. In optics, ultrashort laser pulses also exhibit chirp, which, in optical transmission systems, interacts with the dispersion properties of the materials, increasing or decreasing total pulse dispersion as the signal propagates. The name is a reference to the chirping sound made by birds; see bird vocalization.

Finally, the instantaneous angular chirpyness (symbol tag_hash_116) is defined to be the second derivative of instantaneous phase or the first derivative of instantaneous angular frequency,  ( t ) = d 2  ( t ) d t 2 = d  ( t ) d t {\displaystyle \gamma (t)={\frac {d^{2}\phi (t)}{dt^{2}}}={\frac {d\omega (t)}{dt}}} Angular chirpyness has units of radians per square second (rad/s2); thus, it is analogous to angular acceleration.

A chirp signal can be generated with analog circuitry via a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), and a linearly or exponentially ramping control voltage.[8] It can also be generated digitally by a digital signal processor (DSP) and digital-to-analog converter (DAC), using a direct digital synthesizer (DDS) and by varying the step in the numerically controlled oscillator.[9] It can also be generated by a YIG oscillator.[clarification needed]

A chirp signal shares the same spectral content with an impulse signal. However, unlike in the impulse signal, spectral components of the chirp signal have different phases,[10][11][12][13] i.e., their power spectra are alike but the phase spectra are distinct. Dispersion of a signal propagation medium may result in unintentional conversion of impulse signals into chirps. On the other hand, many practical applications, such as chirped pulse amplifiers or echolocation systems,[12] use chirp signals instead of impulses because of their inherently lower peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR).[13]

Chirp modulation, or linear frequency modulation for digital communication, was patented by Sidney Darlington in 1954 with significant later work performed by Winkler in 1962. This type of modulation employs sinusoidal waveforms whose instantaneous frequency increases or decreases linearly over time. These waveforms are commonly referred to as linear chirps or simply chirps.

Yesterday, I told you about my classroom CHIRP presentations. As the name suggests, I ask my students to introduce themselves to the rest of the room and maybe even chirp a little bit about their career, hobbies, institution, relatives, and other fun personal details.

Birds are fun for learning, because they produce a wide range of unique sounds. To start, a chirp has three options in German: tschilpen, zirpen or zwitschern.

Chirp effects caused by the group delay dispersion (GDD) of optical pulses have a twofold meaning when applied to femtosecond stimulated Raman scattering (fs SRS). On the one hand, these effects are responsible for Raman mode modulation and are thus detrimental to the reconstruction of Raman spectra. On the other, they can be cleverly employed to turn GDD into an additional optical variable of great usefulness. Here, to master the whole subject, the classical approach to coherent Raman scattering is chosen for its simplicity and, with reference to a large class of measurements where electronically off-resonant Raman transitions are probed, fs SRS signals are readily found for linearly chirped Gaussian pulses that guarantee the solution to the nonlinear optical scattering problem without recourse to numerical methods. Thanks to this result, fundamental features of chirp-dependent fs SRS are explored by means of comparisons with experiments taken from the existing literature on the subject. The focus is on four fundamental manifestations of chirp dependence. They are (1) temporal resolution invariance in time modulation of Raman decay and its drift, (2) spectral focusing in Raman gain and loss, (3) line intensity modulation and Raman mode selection, and (4) single-shot time mapping of molecular dynamics. The findings of this work show that basic chirp-dependent Raman theory provides the necessary insights into the Raman phenomena appearing when chirp affects the laser pulses even in the extreme regime where the transform-limited fs pulse duration is just a few harmonic cycles of the laser fields.

Differential transmission of SRS signals generated in thin films of PPV-C60 under probe chirp conditions relative to GDD=0 fs2 (TL condition). Dashed lines reproduce experimental data digitally extracted from Fig. 5 of Polli et al. [30]. Solid lines reproduce the simulations of this work.

Differential transmission of SRS signals generated in thin films of PPV-C60 under probe chirp conditions relative to GDD=250 fs2. Dashed lines reproduce experimental data digitally extracted from Fig. 5 of Polli et al. [30]. Solid lines reproduce the simulations of this work.

Frequency-time maps at three different delays: (a) 10 between a blueshifted pulse (pump) and redshifted Stokes pulse (probe) that have been arranged with identical linear chirp. The Raman spectrum is recovered if, after a time scan from the minimum delay in (a) to the maximum delay of (c), the time overlap between the pulses makes it possible to change the frequency difference from 1 to 3 with the Raman resonance standing between these extremes. Note, however, that besides the complicated time and frequency dependence of the SRS signal, the time overlap between the two pulses varies with the delay and altered signal amplitudes have to be expected if directly compared with spontaneous Raman spectra.

Principle of operation for single-shot mapping of molecular dynamics. An ultrashort pump pulse initiates the Raman coherence (upper plot). If probe pulses with negligible chirp are used (middle plot), the Raman coherence is detected locally in time and delay scans are needed to follow the whole decay of the Raman coherence. Remarkably, if chirped probe pulses are used (lower plot), a single laser shot is enough to read the decaying Raman coherence over the elongated time extension of the chirped pulse.

Chirp wurde fr den Betrieb im 2,45-GHz-ISM-Band entwickelt und gehrt zur gleichen Kategorie wie andere Spread-Spectrum-Technologien. Ursprnglich fr militrische Anwendungen gedacht, um eine sichere und zuverlssige Kommunikation zu gewhrleisten, die resistenter gegen Detektion, Strung und Interferenz ist, werden mit Spread Spectrum-Methoden Funksignale ber einen greren Frequenzbereich verteilt, wodurch Signale mit grerer Bandbreite erzeugt werden, whrend die ursprngliche Signalleistung erhalten bleibt. Die Chirp-Technologie erhht die Bandbreite von Signalen auf ein Vielfaches des im Shannon-Hartley-Theorem genannten Wertes und hilft so die Kommunikation robuster gegen Interferenzen zu machen. Es werden zwei Arten von Chirp-Impulsen eingesetzt - Upchirps und Downchirps. Bei der drahtlosen Kommunikation werden Chirp-Impulse von einem Sende-/Empfangsgert an einen Empfnger oder zwischen Sende-/Empfangsgerten gesendet, die Kommunikation zwischen einem oder mehreren Gerten gleichzeitig senden und empfangen knnen. Die Empfangsgerte analysieren die Muster der eingehenden Impulse und wandeln sie in Daten um. Auf diese Weise knnen Gerte nicht nur zuverlssig Daten ber weite Entfernungen senden, sondern Chirps knnen auch dazu verwendet werden, um den genauen Standort von Gerten zu ermitteln. Dies ermglicht es Chirp-fhigen Gerten wie RTLS-Ankern, ein sendendes Gert, z. B. einen Objetverfolgungs-Tag, zu lokalisieren, seinen genauen Standort zu ermitteln und in speziellen Anwendungen eine standortbasierte Kommunikation sowie standortbezogene Dienste zu ermglichen.

Chirp-Impulse sind in der gesamten Natur zu finden und werden von Tieren wie Delfinen und Fledermusen zur Kommunikation und Erfassung genutzt. Eben diese Impulse wurden erstmals in den 1940er Jahren von einem Professor Httmann fr technische Anwendungen angepasst und patentiert, der Chirp fr Radaranwendungen nutzte. Das Konzept der Verwendung des Chirp-Spread-Spectrum fr Radaranlagen wurde 1947 von Sidney Darlington, einem IEEE-Fellow auf Lebenszeit, weiterentwickelt, dessen Forschung das Pulskompressionsradar hervorbrachte. Im Jahr 1996 setzte Canon die Entwicklung der Chirp-Technologie fort und patentierte Chirp-Impulse fr die Datenbertragung in Glasfasersystemen. Seit den 1990er Jahren wurden die Chirp-Technologien kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt und verbessert. Ein Groteil dieser Entwicklung wurde durch weitere Nachforschungen und Patente von Nanotron Technologies vorangetrieben, einem Unternehmen, das jetzt zur Inpixon-Familie gehrt. Heute ist Inpixon fhrend auf dem Gebiet der Chirp-Technologie und bietet Chirp-fhige Lsungen an, die Standortverfolgung in Echtzeit, Zwei-Wege-Abstandsmessung und bidirektionale Kommunikationsanwendungen ermglichen, die Unternehmen dabei untersttzen, mithilfe der Standorterkennung die Sicherheit und Effizienz zu verbessern und die Geschftsergebnisse zu beschleunigen. Inpixon bietet chirp-fhige RTLS-Lsungen an, darunter flexible, Ortungs-Tags mit groer Reichweite, Anker und den firmeneigenen Inpixon nanoLOC-Ortungschip, der als Grundlage fr viele Ortungslsungen mit Chirp-Technologie weltweit dient. e24fc04721

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