Peer Reviewed Journal Publications

[1] Chatterjee, C. & Gupta, S. (2024). Public Entry and Private Prices: New Evidence from Indian Pharmaceutical Markets. Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization (forthcoming). 

[2] Rathi, S., Majumdar, A., Chatterjee, C. (2024). Did the COVID-19 Pandemic Propel Usage of AI in Pharmaceutical Innovation? New Evidence from Patenting Data. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. 

[3] Chatterjee C, Chugunova M, Ghosh M, Singhal A and Wang LX (2023) Human mediation leads to higher compliance in digital mental health: field evidence from India. Frontiers in Behavioral Economics. Link. 

[4] Aggarwal, M. Chakrabarti, A. & Chatterjee, C. (2023). Movies, Stigma and Choice: Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Industry Health Economics

[5] Aggarwal, M., Chakrabarti, S. A., Chatterjee, C. Higgins, M.J. (2023). Research & Market Structure: Evidence from an Antibiotic-Resistant Pathogenic Outbreak. NBER Working Paper w28840. Research Policy.

[6] Chakraborty, P., Chakrabarti, A. S. and Chatterjee, C. (2023). Cross-Border Environmental Regulation and Firm Labor Demand. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.

[7] Branstetter, L., Chatterjee, C., Higgins, M.J., (2022). Generic Competition and the Incentives for Early-Stage Pharmaceutical Innovation. NBER Working Paper No. 20532Research Policy.

[8] Rathi, S., Chakrabarti, A. S., Chatterjee, C. and Hegde, A. (2022). Pandemics & Technology Engagement: New Evidence from m-Health Intervention During Covid-19 in India.  Review of Development Economics. Preprint Available at SSRN.

[9] Adbi, A., Chatterjee, C. & Mishra, A. (2022). How do MNEs and Domestic Firms Respond Locally to a Global Demand Shock? Evidence from a Pandemic., Management Science.

[10] Bhattacharya, S, Chakraborty, P and Chatterjee, C. (2022). Intellectual Property Regimes and Wage Inequality, Journal of Development Economics.

[11] Arzi Adbi, Chirantan Chatterjee, Pranjali Sharma. (2022). Framing & Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: Experimental Evidence from India, Health Management, Policy and Innovation (, Volume 7, Issue 1.

[12] Adbi, A., Chatterjee, C., Cortland, Clarissa., Kinias, Z., Singh, J. (2021). Women’s Disempowerment and Preferences for Skin Lightening Products that Reinforce Colorism:  Experimental Evidence from India. Psychology of Women Quarterly.

[13] Higgins, M.J., Yan, X. & Chatterjee, C. (2021). Unpacking the effects of adverse regulatory events: Evidence from pharmaceutical relabeling. | NBER Working Paper No. 24957. Research Policy

[14] Bhaskarabhatla, A. Anurag, P., Chatterjee, C., Pennings, E. (2021). How Does Regulation Impact Strategic Repositioning By Firms Across Submarkets? Evidence from the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry.  Strategy Science.

[15] Chirantan Chatterjee, Aditya Bansal. (2020). Academic Campuses, Super Spreader Events & Pandemics: Simulation Evidence from Reopening Indian Universities with COVID-19. Health Management, Policy and Innovation (, Volume 5, Issue 1, Special issue on COVID-19, June 2020.

[16] Deo, S. Tyagi, H. Chatterjee, C. & Molakapuri, H. (2020). Did India's Price Control Policy for Coronary Stents Create Unintended Consequences? Social Science and Medicine.

[17] Chatterjee, C. Mohapatra, D. & Estay, M. (2019). From Courts to Markets: New Evidence on Enforcement of Pharmaceutical Bans in India. Social Science and Medicine.

[18] Adbi, A, Chatterjee, C., Drev, M., & Mishra, A. (2018). When the Big One Came: A Natural Experiment on Demand Shocks and Market Structure in India’s Influenza Vaccine Markets. Production and Operations Management.

[19] Adbi, A., Bhaskarabhatla, A. & Chatterjee, C. (2018). Stakeholder Orientation and Market Impact: Evidence from India. Journal of Business Ethics

[20] Chatterjee, C., Joshi, R., Sood, N., & Boregowda, P. (2018). Government health insurance and spatial peer effects: New evidence from India. Social Science & Medicine, 196, 131-141.

[21] Chakraborty, P. & Chatterjee, C. (2017). Does Environmental Regulation Indirectly Induce Upstream Innovation? New Evidence from India. Research Policy, 46(5), 939-955.

[22] Bhaskarabhatla, A., & Chatterjee, C. (2017). The role of physicians in prescribing irrational fixed-dose combination medicines in India. Social Science & Medicine, 174, 179-187.

[23] Bhaskarabhatla, A. Chatterjee, C., Anurag, P., Pennings, E. (2017). Mitigating regulatory impact: the case of partial price controls on metformin in India. Health Policy and Planning, 32 (2), 194-204.

[24] Bhaskarabhatla, A., & Chatterjee, C. (2017). Whither competition law in Indian pharmaceutical markets? Evidence from arbitration data of CCI and COMPAT. Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 

[25] Branstetter, L., Chatterjee, C., & Higgins, M. J. (2016). Regulation and welfare: evidence from paragraph IV generic entry in the pharmaceutical industry. The RAND Journal of Economics, 47(4), 857-890. NBER Working Paper 17188.

[26] Bhaskarabhatla, A., Chatterjee, C. Bas Karreman (2016). Hit where it hurts: Cartel policing using targeted sales embargoes in markets for medicines. The Journal of Law & Economics, 59(4), 805-846.

[27] Chatterjee, C., Kubo, K., & Pingali, V. (2015). The consumer welfare implications of governmental policies and firm strategy in markets for medicines. Journal of Health Economics, 44, 255-273.

Other Publications,  Books, Case Studies & Book Chapters

[1]  A. S. Chakrabarti and C. Chatterjee, Pandemic, Market Structure and Institutions, The Impact of COVID-19 on India and the Global Order, Eds: Dutta, Husain and Sinha, Springer (2021)

[2] Godrej Properties Limited: Leading Strategic Transformation in Indian Real Estate Markets. IIMA Case BP0443. (with Arunsathyaseelan P)

[3] Chatterjee, Chirantan and Sokol, D. Daniel, Data Security, Data Breaches, and Compliance (2019). Cambridge Handbook on Compliance (D. Daniel Sokol & Benjamin van Rooij editors, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming). Available at SSRN here.

[4] Don't Acquire a Company Until you Evaluate its Data Security (with D. Daniel Sokol), Harvard Business Review, April 16, 2019. 

[5] Solving Inequality Through Business that Benefits All. Stanford Social Innovation Review. Sept 21, 2018. 

[6] Gender and its Rising Role in Modern Indian Innovation and Entrepreneurship. (with Swapnika Ramu) IIMB Management Review. March 2018.

[7] (Dis)Connecting People? 2016 Indian Demonetisation and Mobile Phone Markets. (with Shreekanth Mahendiran and Neil Shah) ISB Insights. Feb 2018.

[8] Share Your Style: Entrepreneurial Pivoting & Strategic Thinking in Indian Fashion Social Networking - Harvard Business Publishing Case Study (with Reechal Vardhan and available here). 

[9] Journey to $100 Million: Mettl, an Indian Online Assessment Startup  - Harvard Business Publishing Case Study (with Vigneshwar Jaiprakash and Geetika Shah available here).

[10] Chatterjee, C. & Mahendiran, S. (2017). The emerging market for biological drugs in India. India & Innovation, Oxford University Press (India) & University of Pennsylvania.

[11] Chatterjee, C. (2009). The historical evolution of post-TRIPs modern Indian pharmaceuticals. Prescribing cultures and pharmaceutical policy. Asia-Pacific 2009, K. Eggleston ed. Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, The Brookings Press

[12] Adbi, A., Faizi, N., & Chatterjee, C. (2017). Analyzing the Lazy Mother Argument Inspired by the Maggi Controversy. Economic & Political Weekly, 52(28), 49.

[13] Pingali, V., Chaudhuri, M.K., Malik, P., Tamara, R., Kakkar, A. Chatterjee, C., Mondal, S., Sokol, D. Daniel. (2016). Competition Law in India: Perspectives. Vikalpa 41: 168-193. 

[14]  Chatterjee, C., Pingali, V. (2015). Balancing Affordability and Availability in a Drug Patent Regime. Economic & Political Weekly, 50(41), 20-23.

[15] Chatterjee, C., Kubo, K., Pingali, V. (2013). Crocin or paracetamol – What should the doctor prescribe. Economic & Political Weekly Vol - XLVIII No. 41.