
・Masa has started his postdoc research at Harvard Medical School (Waldor lab) (Jul. 2021).

・Masa's paper published in Science Advances was highlighted in Keio Research Highlight in 2021.

・K Arisumi has joined our group (Apr. 2021). Welcome!

・A Matsuda has joined our group (Jan. 2021). Welcome!


・Masa's paper on immunological roles of D-amino acid metabolism has been accepted for publication in Science Advances (Jan. 2021)!

・H Naka won the Student Research Award in Keio University in 2019.

・K Adachi won the Student Research Award in Keio University in 2019.

・M Suzuki won the 8th D-Amino Acid Research Award on Sep. 2019.

・Y Gonda won the Poster Award in International Conference of D-Amino Acid Research 2019 on Sep. 2019.