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Chinmoy Biswas

Email: chinmoy88biswas@gmail.com


Department of Computer Science

University of Calgary

2500 University Drive NW

Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4


Currently, I am a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Department of Computer Science (CPSC) of the University of Calgary, Canada under the supervision of Prof. Rei Safavi-Naini. Previously, I was a Research Associate at the Dept. of Mathematics, IIT Roorkee. Before that, I was a senior research scholar at the Department of Mathematics, IIT Kharagpur and have defended my doctoral thesis under the supervision of Dr. Ratna Dutta, IIT Kharagpur.  During my PhD, I was a research intern at TCS Research and Innovation Lab, Hyderabad under the supervision of Dr. Sumanta Sarkar (currently Assistant Professor at The University of Warwick, UK). I have completed my B.Sc from Acharya Prafulla Chandra College under the University of Calcutta and M.Sc from the Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Calcutta.

I am broadly interested in Post-quantum cryptography. In particular,  my research interests include Fully Homomorphic Encryption and its variants, Lattice-based Signature schemes and  Code-based Cryptography.