IRNSS is a regional GNSS owned and operated by the Government of India. IRNSS is an autonomous system designed to cover the Indian region and 1500 km around the Indian mainland. The system consists of 7 satellites. In 2016, India renamed IRNSS as the Navigation Indian Constellation (NavIC, meaning "sailor" or "navigator").

China's domestically developed BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, designed to rival the U.S.-owned Global Positioning System (GPS), is now offering worldwide coverage, allowing global users to access its high-accuracy positioning, navigation and timing services, which are vital to the modern economy.

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Legislation passed in Taiwan in 2016 also noted that two-way communication capabilities could be used in cyberattacks. It recommended that government employees should avoid using smartphones that rely on BeiDou for their phone navigation system.

In a public report, Taiwan's Ministry of Science and Technology said that Taiwanese using mobile phones made in the mainland might be providing Beijing with information via embedded malware. "Because the Chinese BeiDou satellite positioning system has two-way information sending and receiving function and malicious programs could be hidden in the navigation chip of the mobile phone, operating system or apps, the use of BeiDou-enabled smartphones could face security risks," the report stated.

"It brings full autonomy to China in matters of position and navigation services for ground, sea and air transportation means on a global scale," said Dr. Emmanuel Meneut in a recent report published by a French think tank, the Institute of International Relations.

General James Holmes, the head of the U.S. Air Force Air Combat Command, told a conference in Washington in March that pilots of the elite U-2 spy plane wear watches that receive satellite navigation coordinates from alternate systems when GPS is jammed.

China had to obtain permission from Washington before using this limited resource. After three years of negotiations, the two countries agreed in December 2017 to allow BeiDou's civil signals to be interoperable with GPS. As a result, the three frequency bands that BeiDou satellites use to transmit navigation signals are located adjacent to or even inside GPS frequency bands.

The following table is adapted from the International Telecommunications Union Radio Regulations Appendix 18, including changes adopted by the 2015 World Radio Conference. Transmission on frequencies or channels shown in blue are not allowed within U.S. territorial waters, but are allowed on the high seas and in most other countries. Note that a marine radio operating in the international mode on a channel in which the ship station frequency is shown in black and the shore station frequency shown in blue would not be able to communicate with a U.S. shore station. Frequencies and channels shown in green were auctioned in the U.S. and are only available from the auction winner. The large number of blue channels and frequencies indicates the shortage of VHF maritime spectrum in the U.S. compared to most other maritime countries.

The Table below defines the channel numbering for maritime VHF communications based on 25 kHz channel spacing and use of several duplex channels. The channel numbering and the conversion of two-frequency channels for single-frequency operation shall be in accordance with Recommendation ITU-R M.1084-5 Annex 4, Tables 1 and 3. The Table below also describes the harmonized channels where the digital technologies defined in the most recent version of Recommendation ITU-R M.1842 could be deployed.

k. Channel 13 is designated for use on a world-wide basis as a navigation safety communication channel, primarily for intership navigation safety communications. It may also be used for the ship movement and port operations service subject to the national regulations of the administrations concerned.

n. With the exception of AIS, the use of these channels (75 and 76) should be restricted to navigation-related communications only and all precautions should be taken to avoid harmful interference to channel 16 by limiting the output power to 1 W.

With a dish the size of 30 football fields, FAST is by far the largest single-aperture telescope in the world (though arrays that link up multiple radio dishes cover more ground). The previous record holder in the field is the 1,000-foot-wide (300 meters) Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico.

"As the world's largest single-aperture telescope located at an extremely radio-quiet site, its scientific impact on astronomy will be extraordinary, and it will certainly revolutionize other areas of the natural sciences," said FAST Project chief scientist Nan Rendong, according to Xinhua.

However, with the continuous development of cognitive radio technology, there still exist some problems and challenges. For example, further research is needed on how to improve the accuracy of spectrum sensing and how to achieve dynamic spectrum access. In addition, the development and research of the integration of cognitive radio and existing wireless communication systems are also an important research direction.

In order to solve the above challenges, lots of efforts have been made in the CR research area, including basic theory, radio frequency (RF) front end, spectrum sensing, adaptive modulation wave technology, smart antenna, etc. Furthermore, studies have also explored multiple input multiple output (MIMO) and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technologies to improve the efficiency and reliability.

As a radio communication system based on artificial intelligence technology, CR can automatically analyze different frequencies through the cognition of radio signals and realize intelligent switching and automatic modulation of radio signals. In this light, it has been widely used in many fields, including aviation, automobiles, smart homes, Internet of Things, and its potential application scenarios are very wide, which are mainly discussed in this paper.

The basic principles of cognitive radio technology can be summarized as follows: first, the system needs to use certain sensors and computer hardware to collect and process radio signals. Then, it also has to process and convert the signal data collected by sensors and computer hardware in order to achieve automatic recognition and analysis of the signal. Finally, automatic selections of the system involve the corresponding modulation method, demodulation method, frequency, and so on based on the recognized signal type.

In the application of cognitive radio technology, different frequencies and signals need to be identified and analyzed, which requires special processing and conversion of radio signals. This processing and conversion require the use of special sensors and computer hardware, so the cost of cognitive radio technology is high. In addition, cognitive radio technology needs to comply with specific laws and regulations in the application process, which also requires system manufacturers and users to comply with relevant regulations and standards to ensure the stability and safety of the system.

In the field of civil aviation, the application of cognitive radio technology will be widely promoted. For example, airports, airlines, and navigation equipment manufacturers need to monitor and manage radio signals to ensure safe communication and flight operations. This kind of monitoring and management needs to identify and analyze radio signals, and cognitive radio technology is able to meet this demand.

It can be seen that CR technology can play a crucial role in the civil aviation field by enabling intelligent monitoring and management of radio signals. It will significantly enhance the safety and efficiency of flight operations, providing a reliable guarantee for smooth and secure flights. Moreover, cognitive radio technology introduces innovative ideas and technical solutions for intelligent monitoring and management of wireless electrical signals, paving the way for advanced advancements in this domain.

A two-unit MIMO antenna for cognitive radio MIMO applications was proposed in [20] to avoid the complexity involved in reconfigurable antennas and improve spectral efficiency. The proposed MIMO antenna possesses salient features, such as polarization diversity and performing a maximum of four communication tasks when all the white spaces are detected.

In [23], the author proposed a power allocation method for underlay energy acquisition cognitive radio networks based on supermodel games. An operable market-driven cognitive radio scheme was presented to improve spectrum utilization in radio and television frequency [24].

Ref. [26] introduced the key technologies of radio applications: wireless spectrum, adaptive transmission, cross layer design. The specific applications of GNU radio integration in mobile communication is also proposed, which are described one by one from high-speed rail and military aspects, so as to highlight the functions of cognitive radio technology and explore its development prospects.

Firstly, incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) technology into cognitive radio enables signal adaptation, autonomous sensing, and intelligent modulation, leading to enhanced system performance. Furthermore, integrating predictive, analytical, and reasoning capabilities into the cognitive radio system can augment its intelligence and efficiency.

Secondly, high-speed transmission is crucial. With the introduction and continuous upgrading of various new wireless technologies, the demand for higher transmission rates has surged. Consequently, cognitive radio technology must enable faster data transmission rates while ensuring data accuracy and reliability [41].

The frequency spectrum of radio waves has a wide range from 3 kHz to 300 GHz, which includes many frequencies required by modern communication technologies, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, mobile data, satellite communication, etc. However, these frequencies impose some limitations on human perception and cognition [42,43]. 006ab0faaa

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