Upcoming Events

Calvary Baptist Children's Ministries


The children will be singing in church on Father’s Day, June 17. Please come each week to practice during Junior Church.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School will occur during the evenings of July 16-20. The closing program will be on Sunday July 22 at 10:30 during the church hour. Sign-ups will begin in the church lobby or online in a few weeks. A picnic will follow the closing program; please bring a side dish or dessert to share. Children from church and their friends from the community are invited. We will be looking for many eager parent volunteers for VBS, it is a wonderful week for all to enjoy. Click here to register a child.


Junior Church will continue all summer during church at 10:30. Sunday School at 9:30 will take a break in July and August. We will start Sunday School at 9:30 in September and look forward to a special Rally Day on September 10.