Welcome! We are Chicken Smoothie News, the best way to know what's going on in the realm of Chicken Smoothie! CS is absolutely massive; who has time to stalk every thread to see every little change and new thing? Well, we do! Our news sources report on all the newest aspects of CS and it's user base.

Firstly, we will be offering exclusive interviews with well-known CS users and staff! Additionally, we will be monitoring rarity changes, trade trends, and other valuable aspects in the CS trading game. If you're an avid trader who doesn't have time to keep up, it's sure to be helpful! Even if you know nothing about trading, it may help just as well! We will also have art news, discussions of featured artists, and give prominence to an art piece! This may be beneficial if you're an artist needing some exposure or just looking for new artists to follow. There will also be discussion of new closed species, artist spotlights, and new up-and-coming artists to look out for!

We will also be covering smaller bases on the site such as roleplay updates and even dress-up features. There's even a sugar section to share positivity for users on the site for their good deeds which deserve some recognition. 


Is this Official/Allowed?

While we're not officially endorsed by CS, we have been given the green light to create this newspaper by the staff of CS! We have received all the proper permissions prior to starting development.

How Do I Suggest New Things?

There are suggestion forms that can be found both on our forum page and on the site.

I Have A Question That Wasn't Answered On This Page?

You are welcome to message Ellebee(paper creator) via CS PMs! She is happy to answer any questions you may have.

How Often Do You Release New Articles?

Ideally, they will release on the 1st of every month. There is also an option to receive PM updates from us via our subscribe form on the forum post. If we have any delays, anyone with the update confirmation will receive that notice.

What Happens If I Sign Up After An Article Is Published?

If you sign up after any articles are published they will appear in our archive on the forum and on the website; they will not be PM'd to you, only future releases will! Archived articles are available to anyone at any time, whether you sign up or not!