Infocom produced some of the greatest text based adventure games. What set this company apart from the competition was the development of advanced parsers that would allow you to enter commands in complete sentences. Up until this point, most text adventures used a two-word structure such as "go north" or "open door" - Infocom changed all of this by not only greatly expanding the known vocabulary of understood words but also allowing one to use commands such as "open the door and go inside." They also added extensive physical add-ons to each game such as maps, charts, ads for in game items and other physical things that not only enhanced your experience but were often required to play each game. We will included as much of these add-ons as possible which include the work of many fine 3rd parties and the web pages that still support them. At the bottom of this page we will list any sources of our material. Please support these original content creators for without their hard work and dedication, these works of art may have fallen into the cracks of history never to be seen.