Why does Chicago need a Farmers Market Collective?

As the 3rd largest city in the country, Chicago has many farmers markets, all of which share the same general mission, to provide their shoppers with locally grown, nutritiously dense food products. Since we all have the same goal in mind, we might as well work together to achieve it! So, each month, we meet via Zoom to share best practices, advice, and solve problems to support our city's local food system.

I want to join the collective. What is the process?

If you are a market leader of a farmers market located in Chicago, we invite you to complete our inquiry form to join us!

Is there an annual fee to be a member of the collective?

Nope! No fee. This group is free and open to all market staff. The more the merrier!

My market is not located in Chicago; but I want to be a part of CFMC. Can I still join?

Unfortunately, this group is meant for Chicago specifically. If your market is located in Illinois, we recommend reaching out to the Illinois Farmers Market Association. If your market is located outside of Illinois, check out the Farmers Market Coalition for resources.