Reimagining Systems for Learning Hands-on Creative and Maker Skills

Call for Position Papers

We invite makers, educators of maker skills, HCI researchers, system designers, and learning scientists interested in the design of systems for creativity, fabrication, and maker skills to submit a position paper to our workshop.

We invite projects and research ideas with contributions towards the systems for learning creative and maker skills, design of learning environments, novel ways of sensing and measuring learning in maker spaces, and supporting the experience of learning in maker spaces.

TOPICS OF INTEREST (but not limited to):

  • Designing Systems for Creativity, Fabrication, and Maker Skills

      • To support novices in maker spaces

      • To sense learning during maker activities in novel ways

      • To provide interactive multimodal feedback to support learning in maker spaces

  • Supporting Learning in Maker Spaces

      • Grounded in the theories of constructionism and constructivism

      • By identifying frameworks for the design of learning systems

      • Through user studies for measuring, and assessing the learning of maker skills

  • Opportunities and Challenges in Maker Spaces

      • For promoting accessibility and inclusivity

      • With respect to remote learning

Note: If you are interested in attending the workshop but do not have a position paper, you may still apply for the workshop by clicking the link above.

Important Dates

Application deadline: March 7, 2022 at 11:59 pm AoE

Confirmation of acceptance: March 8, 2022 (Already sent to accepted applicants)

Workshop date: April 30, 2022

Apply to the workshop: CLICK HERE (to apply for the workshop and/or submit a position paper)

Submission Format

Submissions** for position papers can be finished projects, on-going work-in-progress projects, or envisioned research projects (research ideas). Participants submitting an envisioned research project are required to include one sketch/image that showcases their idea. The submissions can be a PDF document ranging from 4 to 8 pages in a single column ACM CHI format.

Any queries can be emailed to

(**At least one author of each accepted position paper must register and attend the workshop, and register for at least one day of the CHI '22 conference)