Human-Computer Interaction and AI
A course at CHI 2023

Everything you need to know about the course to be taught at CHI 2023 in Hamburg, Germany  


Vera Liao

I am a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research Montréal, where I am part of the FATE (Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, and Ethics of AI) group. I work on human-AI interaction, with current focuses on explainable AI and responsible AI. I am passionate about bridging emerging AI technologies and human-centered design practices, and use both quantitative and qualitative methods to generate recommendations for technology design. Prior to joining MSR, I worked at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and studied at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Tsinghua University.

Elena Glassman

I design, build and evaluate systems for comprehending and interacting with population-level structure and trends in large code and data corpora. I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the Harvard Paulson School of Engineering & Applied Sciences and the Stanley A. Marks & William H. Marks Professor at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, specializing in human-computer interaction. 

Chinmay Kulkarni

My research introduces technological means to help people help each other by sharing knowledge, drawing on shared experiences, and supporting each other. In doing so, I hope to make sustainable progress on long-standing problems in learning and work.

Recent questions in my research include:

How might teachers help each other with teaching techniques adapted to the pandemic?

How might entrepreneurs help each other with feedback and serve overlooked needs?

How might remote workers develop more sustainable careers?

How might knowledge workers make better decisions through improved perspective-taking?

How might voice interfaces inspire collaboration?

Daniel M. Russell

I am a traveling scholar. As such I write, lecture, and create materials for teaching.  Sometimes this includes videos, short podcasts, tech reports, sometimes papers for scientific publication, and sometimes books for everyone.  

I'm a practicing scientist.  That means I experiment and I analyze. I do field studies and I try to understand what makes online researchers tick.

Why do they sometimes query Google for [ first ], and then not click on anything?

Why do some Google users only ask one query, while others can go on and on?

What's different about their search experiences?

Why?   This is what drives my work:  What do people search for?  How do they do it?  How do they understand and use what they've found.  

Nikolas Martelaro

I am an Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon's Human-Computer Interaction Institute. My lab focuses on augmenting designer's capabilities through the use of new technology and design methods. My interest in developing new ways to support designers stems from my interest in creating interactive and intelligent products. I blend a background in product design methods, interaction design, human-robot interaction, and mechatronic engineering to build tools and methods that allow designers to understand people better and to create more human-centered products. Before moving to the HCII, I was a Digital Experiences researcher at the Accenture Technology Labs in San Francisco. I graduated with my Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford's Center for Design Research, where I was co-advised by Larry Leifer and Wendy Ju.

5 Instructors, 5 Topics in HAI
In the sections below you'll find each instructor's videos on their topic.


Plan for the course

The course will come in two parts.  The online part and the in-person part.

Online Part of the Course

There are 6 videos that make up the online part of the course.  They're shown above and also linked below with descriptions.  We'll be showing these videos in three online Zoom sessions with Dan Russell as your host and moderator: 

Alternatively, you could watch each of these at your leisure, whenever time and circumstance allow.  We do highly recommend watching these videos before our in-person class on Thursday, April 27, 2023.  (See the next section for details.) 

If you have any difficulty connecting to these Zoom meetings, please contact Dan Russell at (  He'll be running the Zoom and can help with last minute technical glitches.  

If you can't get to the live online part of the class, please watch the videos before the in-person class begins.  Here are the videos for you to view: 

  1. Vera Liao on Fairness, FATE, and explanability
    (PDF of slides)
  2. Nikolas Martelaro on ideating in HAI with prototyping
    (PDF of slides)
  3. Chinmay Kulkarni on HCI aspects of LLMs
    (PDF of slides)
  4. Dan Russell on HAI aspects of art, creativity, and synthesis
    (PDF of slides)
  5. Elena Glassman on an HAI model of interaction as conversation
    (PDF of slides) 
  6. Panel video discussion with all of the instructors on HCI & AI (recorded April 11, 2023)

In-Person Class

The in-person half of the course will be given on Thursday, April 27th at the CHI conference venue.  The meeting will be held in two parts: 

April 27, 9AM-10:30AM 

April 27, 14:30PM - 16:00PM 

Both classes will be held in room X04.  Please see this map for exact location. Note that it's in an out-of-the-way location.  You might try finding it before Thursday, just so you'll know where it is.

Since this will be primarily the hands-on part of the course, plan on coming to the course with a laptop that you've successfully connected to the conference hall network.  We'll be spending our time doing a number of different labs to give you some rapid-fire, hands-on experiences.  

Here are the slides that people used in their lectures: 

Chinmay's lecture slides

Dan Russell lecture slides

Elena lecture slides

Vera lecture slides

Nik's link to his ideation spreadsheet  

Our collection of in-class artwork.  How well were we able to reproduce the image prompt (corgi in sushi house)?  

 Map of the Congress Hall--Courses location in Hall X04