Cheverly History

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The Latest News of the Old

The 1950 census was released on April 1, 2022. The census provides a snapshot of Cheverly as it was in April 1950.

As You Were: Tidbits of Cheverly History

Yes, Cheverly, there is -- or was -- a lake at the end of Lake Avenue.

Only Yesterday

This section of Cheverly History will include links to materials for recent history.

First up, a set of slides showing street trees in Cheverly in 1961, some of which were planted under the auspices of the Garden Club. Can you find your house?

Cheverly in 1940

The 1940 census is here! See Cheverly as it was 72 years ago.

Cheverly's Streams, Springs, and Wetlands

Water resources have histories, too.

"Cheverly's Streams, Springs, and Wetlands: Past, Present, Future," a Cheverly History Club exhibit, was presented November 6, 2010, at "Cheverly -- Our Bay Starts Here!", a community event showcasing our water resources.View the web version of the exhibit on the Cheverly Green Plan web site.View the exhibit brochure.

Cheverly History Club


To encourage research on the history of Cheverly; and to help disseminate the findings of such research.


Any and all topics bearing on the history of Cheverly. These may include Cheverly as a town, Cheverly as a subdivision, people connected with Cheverly, Cheverly’s social and cultural institutions. The geographical coverage is all lands now or formerly in Cheverly, and lands now part of Cheverly before they were so. Political, economic, social and other historical approaches are welcome.

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