Serving up concoctions of Oldies, Outlaw and Obscure Music!
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Chet brings his personable and interactive musical style with him where ever he performs. He still loves honing his skills on the street corners of favored shopping destinations, in the halls of retirement and care centers, even in a few restaurant and bars in between. Chet's style of performing songs of the 50s-today and most genres. Suggest an artist and he will do his best to accomodate - these always go better with the suggester singing along!
As a - 10% of all donations Chet gets goes back to teacher other veterans to play guitar in the same manner Chet did (and he also is a instructor).
My Story
What started as a fun way to pass time and an interesting story has grown into what has become my passion. The foundation of my passion for music started in public school. In school I played trumpet and tuba for school bands has grown. My current adventure began in 2018 as a joke, of sorts, involving a baby-powder blue toy ukulele and an idea – what if people paid me to play music?
Enter a great non-profit that I give a salute to is Guitars4Vets.Org. I heard about Guitars4Vets on a Youtube Cast by Sully Erna of Godsmack during COVID Lockdown. is a non-profit organization that pairs veterans and teachers for 10 free lessons and, when they finish the lessons, a their very own guitar! My Guitar4Vets story is here for you. 10% of anything I do musically related I channel back to Guitars4Vets AND I also am a basic guitar instructor for the G4V virtual wing. (As an aside I am working to set up a chapter for Northeast Iowa. - Email me if you would like more information on
The Result: A whirlwind journey of discovery, an attempt to make up for lost time, a grasp at media/art form that seemed to convey beyond what I could express with words, and the thrill of engaging people in an exciting and dynamic format.
Read more below by expanding on Challenge vs Growth Mentality and My Rewards subsections.
Challenge vs Growth Mentality +
I’ve played in hootenannies, for farmers markets, nursing homes, wedding receptions, family reunions. However, my passion lies in the intimacy of “busking” or street performing – the more spontaneous, the better. I love the idea of being able to go at any time to a location with a minimal amount of gear. Set up in a public place and entertain and interact with people. I like connecting with people over music. It is common for me to ask people their musical interests and I do my best attempt to deliver on them to my audience. I am not hesitant to stray to see if I can rise to performing a request or suggestion from a listener. This allows me rise to the challenge of trying to cater to people’s musical interests.
My Rewards +
Street Performing/Busking results in the option of being rewards for my effort. When I perform, I am “guaranteed” nothing but my effort. If my listeners feel so inclined to reward me for my effort, so be it. If they don’t feel so inclined, so be it. I made a commitment to donate 10% of all proceeds to a non-profit organization near and dear to my heart – Guitars4Vets.
I try not to compare my skills with others. My musical growth continues. I recognize I am not the perfect guitarist, nor the perfect vocalist. But, I have a passion for engaging people through music and I appreciate the opportunities that afford me that encounter.