

The essence of Chetawan Thai Therapeutic Massage can be found if you delve deeply into Thai heritage. Our legendary background in traditional Thai massage goes back millennia, not just years or decades.

Our approach encompasses not just the therapeutic benefits of massage but also the history and spirituality that intertwines with each stroke. It is rooted in practices that date back 2,500 years to the historic era of Buddha.


The renowned Wat Po school of massage in Thailand is more than just a building; it is a symbol of excellence and authenticity. And our journey started at this prestigious location.

We have inherited a legacy by studying and teaching at Wat Po, ensuring that every customer receives a massage that is influenced by centuries of knowledge and unmatched expertise.

Our Techniques Explained

Our knowledge goes beyond Wat Po's teachings to include the intricate nuances of the northern Thai Lanna form of massage. This distinct strategy, which incorporates the skillful walking massage technique, is a dance all on its own. Our therapists manipulate the body's energy lines by delving deeply into them with the skillful use of their thumbs, hands, elbows, knees, and feet in order to release muscular tension and reclaim vitality.

Our massages at Chetawan are personalized therapeutic journeys, not just transactions. We carefully adapt our sessions to meet the variety of needs of our clientele. Our hands adapt to your preferences, ensuring a unique experience each time, whether you desire a soft embrace of relaxation or a more powerful therapeutic touch.