Cub Scout Pack 55 Chesterfield, NJ

Cub Scout Pack 55 in Chesterfield, NJ is chartered by the Crosswicks Community Association and is a member of the Pinelands District, which is part of the Garden State Council and brings the scouting experience to boys and girls grades K-5 in Chesterfield and the surrounding Northern Burlington area. Most of our Cubs move up to Troop 55 of Crosswicks, NJ.

We have operated continuously since 1965 providing the youth of Chesterfield Township with opportunities for outdoor activities, projects, sports, academics, and more in a fun and exciting program that helps families and our community teach basic core American values such as honesty, tolerance, work ethic, good citizenship, leadership, and respect through events such as:


Pack 55 meets typically at the Chesterfield Elementary School Cafeteria at 6pm on the last Thursday of each month during the school year.

Dens meet on an individual basis based on their availability, typically on alternate Thursdays

You can view our entire calendar

Interested in Joining?

New members can join anytime during the year, but the program runs mainly during the school year (Sept-June).  If you join mid-year we will do our best to catch your child up with the rest of the scouts.  New members are welcome to join anytime by coming to a meeting.

For more info, please fill out this form or email us and we will get back to you!
