I use chessable....iuno what else is out there. Depends on how you use it though, i started setting up my physical board and playing out the variations after i drill them with the online course, think that will help it stick better in my mind.

Give the guy a break - he was probably trying to be helpful. For anyone with pfren's outlook on chess, which includes many people here, it was good advice imho. However, it should also be noted that not everyone shares his attitude to chess.

Chess Openings Trainer Pro Apk Free Download

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Tmattb86, Dan Heisman gives some excellent advice on learning openings (its appropriateness for various ability levels and how to approach it) in his Novice Nook column articles, freely available on the web and helpfully assembled into book form if you're into books. For example:

I am no great player for sure and my chess would likely do well to study things other than the opening. But Switching openings and learning new openings can be a breath of fresh air. Also it has been scientifically proven that losing a game from the opening can be 2-10xs as frustrating as losing a game in the end or middle game. Also winning a game where you continue to build on a slight gain you get in the opening is IMO a very rewarding game - especially if it involved executing on general plans you had in the opening.

On the other hand studying openings can also be more addictive with very little payoff and often the ideas are hard to grasp. No doubt for people who really want to get better openings generally should not be the focus.

Since I am not a great player and have sort of come to terms with that, I still study the occassional opening. The openings I have found that give me a solid plan are the stonewall and the gurgenidze (which I play starting with g6 instead of c6.)

Its interesting that Dan Heisman focuses in on 9.h3 versus 9.d4 in the ruy lopez opening. I generally study openings so that I get general ideas of pawn structure. This tells me where to attack/defend and know what moves will frustrate those general plans so I need to go for different plans.

Welcome to the Chesstempo opening training tool. The opening trainer allows you create and manage your opening repertoire, and then train against your repertoire using spaced repetition to optimise your learning. The opening training also integrates with our play chess online feature, allowing you to get feedback after each game on where you deviated from your opening repertoire, or extend your repertoire to account for an opponent line from your game not already covered in your repertoire.

The Opening Explorer is a great tool for exploring the most comprehensive chess database online and learning from the greatest players of all time. Now the Opening Explorer has the best companion: the Chess Openings Trainer. Expanding your opening repertoire has never been easier or more fun.

I have been beta-testing this for a couple of weeks now, and I must say, this is the best trainer, period. I have used every method of learning openings and nothing has helped me like this trainer. I have used Bookup (now CoW), Chess Position Trainer, Chessable, Lucas Chess, SCID, Chessbase, and even Anki flashcards.

There are some game-changers in there, particularly the public comments on positions, the options to choose mainlines or more breadth, the option to focus on lines and positions that have proven problematic (it creates separate mini-repertoires of those lines for you to focus on), and I especially love the way it skips over positions you've already over-trained (like the beginnings of a lot of lines) by auto-playing them on the board instead of just not showing them at all. Just popping into a position cold without showing the moves leading to the position was always very jarring to me in other trainers. Chesstempo makes it butter smooth by showing the context.

Another subtle thing I've loved about this trainer in the beta period is what happens when you make a mistake. In most trainers, you have to redo the whole line from the very beginning if you make a mistake on the last move of the line. Usually immediately. This is rage-inducing and decreased my desire to train a lot, I've found. It doesn't work this way here. It just schedules the individual positions for a redo later, and if you've nailed the previous moves enough times, it will just auto-play them for you and you only have to get that particular position and move right to register it.

I normally can defeat some people in apps such as chess.com, but very fast I reach a level superior than my real one, when I do not defeat anybody, and I don't get how to improve. After that the app download me again into trivial opponents, and the same repeats over and over.

These apps have a theory section, where various types of openings are discussed (closed, open, etc) and a practice section where you get to solve small problems specific to each opening (which you will be able to choose from).

i like lichess because of it study feature. Lichess has the strongest free chess computer online and has a large master opening database for free. You can make your own or look at other people's studies.

If you have an Android device, I think "Chess Openings Trainer" might be what you're looking for (unfortunately, it's only available on Android at the moment). You can download it safely from the Google Play Store.This app helps you create openings, build a repertoire, and train against it. Moreover, the graphical interface is very intuitive and easy to use. You can even import PGN files from third party software. And the best of all, it also integrates the latest Stockfish engine to help you find the best moves for your openings!

From any position, drill your repertoire. It doesn't matter whether you have marked moves or not, you can drill any position. The program will lead you into your openings.If you run out of moves, stop the drill and check the Live Book.Repeat the drill from the position where you last started it.

The features are available to everyone. Once you've created a couple of repertoires and started practicing them on lichess, in your profile there is an analytics page where all sorts of statistics will be calculated based on your performance. For example, your rate of win with a certain line, or your frequency of certain moves and so on. That will help you to assess how you are performing with your different openings.

Actually, I am the author of a website tool that answers the question to some extent. You can load your own PGN file and train yourself against it as a one-time exercise with no progress tracking. You can replay the exercise by revisiting the dynamic link that encodes all the chess data.This sample link shows a demo. The task is to play White against the Hanham concept in the Philidor defense, which is considered refuted by opening theory.

Aimchess. They have "Opening Improver" and "Opening Trainer", but the former is useless because it doesn't explain why one move is better than the other. The latter is nice, but doesn't help with the chosen repertoire.

Why I'm telling you about this? My friend and I have been working on a new app for training openings. Unfortunately, it's far from ready, so you can't play around with it, but we need some motivation to keep developing it, so we would like to see whether there's potentially any interest in it.

Opening trainer. Gamified approach, with interval trainings. Learning openings is usually one of the most boring parts of chess training, so we want to make it more fun. Openings can be uploaded via PGNs or lichess studies, and also chosen from a selection.

It will become a major time saver for your daily work and make it even fun to train your chess openings. Even if you have never before created your own repertoire this chess software will make it a piece of cake and there are good chances that you'll even become addictive to it! You don't believe us? Try it yourself for free!

The perfect combination: the professional database program ChessBase 17 plus the brand new world champion program Fritz19. This Christmas bundle includes ChessBase 17 as a single program and the full version of the new chess program Fritz19.

How do you best learn new openings and set about training for them? Where can you save the variations and keep everything up-to-date? How can you best remember the moves and ideas so that you are able to recall them at the board without hesitation? These are the most important practical questions for every active chess player.

But how do you remember it all? Studying an opening is not that different from learning vocabulary. Use the variation trainer to solidly memorize your lines. Play games against the trainer. The system will repeat lines where you did not remember the correct moves before. Works well on your mobile phone.

When you sign up for Aimchess, we analyze every move from your recent games and measure your skill set across six core aspects of chess. Then we compare you to others with the same rating to show you what you need to improve on.

There is a common misconception that the higher the rating, the stronger the trainer. This is not so. Our trainers are experienced in training with decades of experience and many successes. They have assisted with many World Championship matches, been captains for Olympiad teams, produced titled players, written award-winning books, and accrued lots of experience working with improving players of all levels.

We have happy members from 1200 to 2700+. From young players with a little tournament experience to seasoned grandmasters. Obviously, some classes will be challenging for the less experienced members, while others will be progressing a bit slowly seen from the perspective of professionals. But chess is magical in the way that even if you cannot find the best move in a position, it is not difficult to understand why it is the best move when explained well.

Simple! You go to the Forum and find the relevant course and you ask your question. The trainer, or another member, will get back to you. The idea is that we build a community around the academy, where people are helping each other. 2351a5e196

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