With our Opening Explorer you can browse our entire chess database move by move obtaining statistics about the results of each possible continuation. 

The Opening Explorer is a great tool if you want to study chess openings.

Enter opening moves on the chess board below to see the name of that chess opening and to get statistics from human Grandmaster games for every moves. Our database contains about 16.3 million moves from chess grandmaster games and gives you a survey what ever has been played by strong human chess players.

Chess Openings Database Download

DOWNLOAD 🔥 https://shurll.com/2y3Ayy 🔥

Please recommend the best opening explorer to use. It doesn't have to be totally free. I don't mind buying an app or paying a donation, but would prefer not to pay subscription fees. Websites I've looked at so far are chessgames.com, 365chess.com and chesstree.net. Give me your recommendations. I would like something comprehensive that you can search games using an opening explorer.

If your cheap trick is in the opening database, you will never be able to use it anymore. On the other side, if you manage to outplay your opponent because of your deeper knowledge, you can repeat that over and over again.

Nol is a former professional chess player who transitioned into coaching and blogging. He made history by becoming the youngest Swiss Grandmaster at just 20 years of age and has accumulated numerous Swiss Championship titles to his name.

After getting frustrated by falling into your opening tricks and traps too many times, I spent the last few weeks building a web application to make it easier to explore, analyse and practice chess openings. I've connected an openings database to the Lichess API, and use that to fetch instructive opening information, such as statistics and top games, once every 24hrs.

We just updated the website where you can study chess openings the same way you would do on chessable (spaced repetition system) for free - . It contains over 3k different variations of most popular openings.

Note: I already made a post about it in this subreddit, we gathered some feedback - the update consists of opening descriptions, corrected bugs and the removal of puzzles so that people could concentrate on openings (which is in our opinion the main value of the website).

A well designed and valuable tool for club players wanting to brush up on their general opening play though it may be somewhat limited for more in-depth study of particular openings 

Chess Openings Pro as its name suggests, is a tool for exploring and learning about the chess openings. The app enables openings to be studied in a range of different ways several ways; it does this primarily in two ways using:

The app has a range of additional learning features which are of varying practical use. Probably the most significant of these is the quiz mode where the user can test their openings knowledge by answering a range of multiple choice questions. These can be selected based on your own preferred openings (which can be saved separately) or randomly generated.

This review on chess openings pro is very good and solid and i also read the developer comments section. adding this last comment actually because i forgot to check notify me of new comments in my last ?

I was born year of the Dog, This might be kind of the year of the Dog in me ? barking at something suspicious, raising warnings ? But again as I mentioned it can be a great database to find any opening anyone plays.

A lot of people do not have a coach to verbally explain all the subtleties of a variation and answer the questions that may arise in the process of learning. Speaking of openings, using books in precomputer times was straight-forward: you get one, sit behind a board and play over the variations. The questions you would ask yourself had to be answered by analysis, in absence of a partner, it was done on your own. Then the results of the analysis together with the variations from the book that stood up to scrutiny would be written down in a notebook to be taken when travelling to tournaments.

Ideally, you should do this kind of work on every single chapter of the book. It will take a while before you finish the book, but by the end of it, you will own the opening. It will be yours and you will have it neatly organised in your opening database. Periodical revision of your lines and analysis is a good habit to have, as it will aid the memorisation both generally and before the game when preparing against an opponent.

You can now see statistics on what openings you use most often (and whether you win with them) on your stats page! Find out what openings you win with, and what moves get you into trouble, all at a glance.

This will show your openings across all game types, and the percentage won, lost or drawn. In the above example, this player has played e4 in 707 of their 999 games as white. They won 55% of the time, lost 42% and got a draw 3% of the time.

NOTE: Only standard chess is tracked in your opening stats! You will not see any chess960 games or other variants. Games with fewer than 10 moves are also not tracked. 

By default, 'all' is selected, so you will see openings for all your Daily, Rapid, Blitz, and Bullet games at once. If you want to view specific game types, click on the dropdown to change the setting:

Is there a database available that the gives you the names of common openings? "Ruy Lopez", "Sicialian", "Queens Gambit", etc. Ideally it would just be a simple map of the opening PGN to the common name.

Lichess provides an online database in the analysis board which will tell you the name of the opening in the chess board. However, chessbase is a much more powerful tool, it provides an online database and you can also load any database you can find on the internet (chessbase will automatically display the name of the opening on the board). Moreover you have the option of creating your own database, with your own games or games of other databases (or both).

True to his analytical approach, the Indian GM gives preference to less explored continuations, which hold huge surprising potential. The current database consists of 10 theoretical chapters, 17 interactive test positions, a Memory Booster, and a Video Version (2+Hours Running Time).

We are pleased to present another fascinating database by GM Michael Roiz - Open Spanish - Expert Repertoire for Black - Part 1. In this two-part series, Roiz will provide you with top-level repertoire based on the Ruy Lopez. An excellent addition to this repertoire is Roiz' previous course - Complete Spanish Repertoire for Black - Sidelines which deals with all the early deviations that White might choose.

In Part 1 of the Open Spanish course, White's most popular lines 9.Nbd2 and 9.c3 will be analyzed, while the alternatives will be dealt with in Part 2.

This course consists of 12 theoretical chapters, 20 interactive test positions, a Memory Booster, and a Video Version (2h and 10min).

The camp of GM Dejan Bojkov - Play the Philidor is already a digital product. 

This product includes all the videos from the workshop and the PGN file related to the training sessions. The material comprises 9 hours of video and a PGN database, including 72 files!

The camp of GM Grigorov - Play the Caro-Kann - Part 1 is already a digital product. 

This product includes all the videos from the workshop as well as the PGN file related to the training sessions. Overall, the material consists of 7.5 hours of video and a PGN database which includes 68 files!

We are happy to announce another fascinating course by GM Michael Roiz - Top-Level Repertoire against the Catalan Opening. In this database, GM Roiz provides full repertoire for Black based on 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.g3 Bb4+.

This line has been established as one of the most respectable weapons against the Catalan Opening. So far, White hasn't found a promising way to fight for an advantage. Roiz's current repertoire is both solid and ambitious. Hence, Black can play it against opponents of any level.

This course comes with two additional elements: Strategy Booster (including 20 highly important interactive test positions) and a special section called Must-Know Positions. The section Must-Know Positions features an extensive explanation of 6 fundamental positions for this line of the Catalan Opening.

We are happy to announce that GM Cheparinov has just released the second and final part of his Reti Opening project. In this part, Cheparinov provides a full repertoire for White based on 1.Nf3 d5 2.c4. Additionally, in the first chapter of the database, the author examines the Anti-Gruenfeld approach: 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5. All other systems that Black might choose are dealt with in the course Play the Reti - Part 1

The current database consists of 8 huge theoretical chapters, 16 interactive test positions, a Memory Booster, and a Video Version (6h and 30 min Running Time).

After his highly successful course Queen's Gambit Declined - Repertoire for Black after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5, GM Arjun Kalyan starts dealing with the Nimzo-Indian Defence. He is going to provide a full Nimzo-Indian repertoire for Black in two series. In order to complete his Black repertoire after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6, after the Nimzo-Indian Defence databases, GM Kalyan will also create a repertoire against the Catalan. 

The current course White's most challenging systems against the Nimzo-Indian Defence - 4.e3 and 4.Qc2. The database consists of 13 theoretical chapters, 25 interactive test positions, a Memory Booster, and a Video Version (4h Running Time).

Your comments and ideas on chess training and this site are welcomed. 

Please note that moderation is turned on as an anti-spam measure; your comment will be published as soon as possible, if it is not spam.

This is a list of chess openings, organised by the Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings (ECO) code classification system. The chess openings are categorised into five broad areas ("A" through "E"), with each of those broken up into one hundred subcategories ("00" through "99"). The openings were published in five volumes of ECO, with volumes labeled "A" through "E". 2351a5e196

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