Che-Yuan Liang

Associate Professor in Economics at Uppsala University

Affiliations: Institute for Housing and Urban Studies (IBF), Urban Lab, Department of Economics, and Uppsala Center for Fiscal Studies (UCFS)

Fields of interest: Urban, housing, public, and labor economics


Link to CV 

Publications i peer-reviewed journals 

1) Mind the tap – How volumetric pricing affects residential hot water consumption, forthcoming in Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (with Mikael Elinder, Xiao Hu, and Shane Minckley)

2) Non-linear budget set regressions for the random utility model, forthcoming in Journal of Econometrics (with Sören Blomquist, Anil Kumar, and Whitney Newey)

3) Labor market effects of credit constraints: Evidence from a natural experiment, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 16, 1-26, 2024 (with Anil Kumar)

4) Does income redistribution prevent residential segregation?, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 193, 519-542, 2022 (with Xiao Hu)

5) On bunching and the identification of the taxable income elasticity, Journal of Political Economy 129, 2021 (with Sören Blomquist, Anil Kumar, and Whitney Newey)

6) Estimating taxable income responses with elasticity heterogeneity, Journal of Public Economics 188, 2020 (with Anil Kumar)

7) Credit constraint and GDP growth: Evidence from a natural experiment, Economics Letters 181, 190-194, 2019 (with Anil Kumar) 

8) Optimal inequality behind the veil of ignorance, Theory and Decision 83, 431-455, 2017

9) Declining female labor supply elasticities in the U.S. and implications for tax policy: Evidence from panel data, National Tax Journal 69, 481-516, 2016 (with Anil Kumar)

10) The Swedish earned income tax credit: did it increase employment?, Finanzarchiv/Public Finance Analysis 72, 475-503, 2016 (with Karin Edmark, Eva Mörk, and Håkan Selin)

11) Piracy and music sales: The effects of an anti-piracy law, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 105, 90-106, 2014 (with Adrian Adermon)

12) The Internet, news consumption, and political attitudes – Evidence for Sweden, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy 13, 1071-1093, 2013 (with Mattias Nordin)

13) Is there an incumbency advantage or cost of ruling in proportional election systems, Public Choice 154, 259-284, 2013

14) Nonparametric structural estimation of labor supply in the presence of censoring, Journal of Public Economics 96, 89-103, 2012

15) Merged municipalities, higher debt: On free-riding and the common pool problem in politics, Public Choice 143, 157-172, 2010 (with Henrik Jordahl)

16) Maternal-biased parental leave, Journal of Economic Psychology 30, 583-590, 2009 (with Per Engström and Ann-Sofie Kolm) 

Other publications

1) En analys av den geografiska inkomstojämlikheten i Sverige 1991–2017, forthcoming in Statsvetenskaplig Tidsskrift (with Matz Dahlberg and Sebastian Kohl) 

2) Polisens lista över utsatta områden minskar efterfrågan på att bo i de utpekade områdena, Ekonomisk Debatt 51, 2023 (with Fabian Brunåker, Greta Fredriksson, Henrik Andersson, Ina Blind, Jakob Granath, and Matz Dahlberg)

3)  Inkomstojämlikhet och boendesegregation, SNS Analys 71, 2021 

4) Fildelning och musikförsäljning: effekten av piratjägarlagen IPRED, Ekonomisk Debatt 45, 29-39, 2015 (with Adrian Adermon)

5) Därför går det inte att utvärdera jobbskatteavdraget, Ekonomisk Debatt 40, 6-16, 2012 (with Karin Edmark, Eva Mörk, and Håkan Selin)

6) Essays in Political Economics and Public Finance, Economic Studies 112, doctoral dissertation, Department of Economics at Uppsala University, December 2008