Impactful Experiences

Equity Driven Master Scheduling

  • Equity Audit of Transcript Data

  • Development of Master Schedule Expectations

  • Data Driven Master Schedule Development

  • Articulation Processes Aligned to Equity in Scheduling: Credit Checks, Articulation Cards, etc.

  • English Learner Pathways that lead to a Meaningful Graduation

  • Language Other than English Dual Credit Options for Graduation

  • Multi-Department Master Schedule Development Timelines

  • Enrollment Projections and Teacher Allocations in the Budget Development Process

  • Development of Strategic Plans to Shift to Healthy Start Times

Meaningful Graduation

  • Alignment of State Dashboard to District Graduation Efforts

  • Development of Graduate Profile

  • Revision of Course of Study and Course Approval Processes to Align with Meaningful Graduation

  • Revision of District Policies and Procedures to Ensure Meaningful and On-time Graduation within State/Federal Guidelines

  • Development of an Alternative Means Policy in Alignment with a Meaningful Graduation

  • Secondary Counseling Alignment to Meaningful Graduation

  • Reclassification

  • Modified Graduation Eligibility

Development of Successful Dual Enrollment/Credit Partnerships with Colleges and Universities

  • Handbooks/Guidelines

  • College Coursework Timeline

  • Weighted Credit for College Coursework

  • Joint Board Meetings and Goals

  • Alignment of Advanced Studies: AP/IB/College

  • College Career and Technical Education

  • Community College Articulated CCTE Coursework and Credit by Exam

  • UC a-g Aligned CCTE Coursework

  • UCCI and Other Integrated Curriculum Options

  • Alignment of High Skill, High Wage Industry Sectors to TK-12 Pathway Efforts

  • Development of 9-12 Community College Certification Pathways

Linked Learning

  • Project-Based Learning Unit Design

  • Alignment of Accountability Measures to Performance Assessment TK-12

  • Alignment of State/Federal Standards to the Project/Unit Planning Process

  • Competency-Based Grading

  • Cohorting in a Variety of Scheduling Models

  • TK-5 STEAM: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment

  • Development of Wall-to-Wall or Individual Pathway Models

  • Student Equity Coalition, ASB and other Student-Driven Leadership