The whip was originally a less powerful magic weapon created with alchemy by Rinaldo Gandolfi prior to Castlevania: Lament of Innocence, known as the Whip of Alchemy. Eventually, it was transformed into a far more powerful weapon after the death of Sara Trantoul, the betrothed of Leon Belmont, wielder of the Whip of Alchemy at that time. Sara, who had been fatally cursed with vampirism, had to willingly sacrifice herself to make the whip "whole" and able to defeat powerful vampires. This was because the whip needed a willing, yet tainted soul to unlock its true potential.

This whip not only does serious damage to vampires, but to any demon. Even the Grim Reaper, Death himself, is damaged by the whip. As Leon says at the end of Lament of Innocence - "I have the power to destroy all related to the vampires. Though you have divine powers, you are no exception." Even powerful beings regarded as gods were not safe from harm any longer. Because the whip was made with alchemy, it could be an explanation for how it can turn from a leather whip to a chained flail.

The Vampire Killer

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In Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls, it is revealed that the Vampire Killer whip also has a distinct reaction to any vampires in the vicinity, and that its reactions are acute enough to also detect dhampirs as well. This also caused initial problems when Simon Belmont formally met Genya Arikado, where he initially thought the latter was one of Dracula's vampire minions and intended to put the latter down until both Arikado and Lucy Westenra revealed he was in fact Alucard, and also gave Richter initial hesitance by Alucard's presence to escape to safety before deciding the latter was ultimately on his side due to Maria Renard being present with him.

Statement of Trevor Herbert, regarding his life as a self-proclaimed vampire hunter. Original statement given July 10th, 2010. Audio recording by Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London.

It looked like an older woman, a widow I assumed, from the way it dressed in black and had a strange manner, which I now know to be the mark of the vampire, but back then I paid no attention to it. Many of the older folks had lived through both wars, and it was not uncommon for them to be somewhat strange. I thought this was the case with Sylvia McDonald, and after a small amount of discussion, my brother and I agreed to the offer of food and shelter.

Another misconception I have always faced when trying to discuss vampires is that people think they cannot go out during the day. They can. While I have witnessed them avoid direct sunlight if possible, and wear generally more covering clothes when moving around during the daytime, they seem to have no significant problem doing so. I would describe them as weaker during the day, but whether this is scientifically due to the sunlight, or simply because evil has less power in the daylight hours is unclear to me. Sylvia McDonald came to us on an overcast afternoon, and enough of its pale flesh was uncovered that, were sunlight to truly harm a vampire, then it would likely have been destroyed.

Even the floor was pale with dust, except for a stark line where Sylvia McDonald moved, the train of its dress dragging behind it. I remember wondering whether Sylvia McDonald walked exactly the same route through the house always, as I saw other clear lines of passage in the rooms we passed through. None of the furniture looked used, and when I picked up a book from one of the shelves, the pages were solid with damp and mould. I began to feel very uneasy at this point, but whatever powers of persuasion the vampire had calmed me enough to continue following it with my brother.

I just lay there watching as its stomach began to distend and swell, the now bulbous belly straining against the black dress it wore. After the longest ten minutes of my life, the vampire finished. Its tongue retracted back into its throat, still dripping blood onto the now-pale corpse of my brother, and it lay back upon the floor, apparently contented.

Following that night, though, I was never again worried that I might have been wrong about the existence of vampires. I always kept my eyes open for them, although sometimes I was too eager, as was the case of Alard Dupont, who I killed in 1982, and later discovered was a human. It is my belief that they are very rare, and feed only infrequently, as all evidence I have seen points to their feeding being fatal. If there were many vampires, or if they ate often, the number of disappearances would quickly become noticeable to the rest of society.

I do not know what they do with the bodies of their victims, and this has always perplexed me, as they do not have any mechanism for eating solid food, and I do not believe there are many, if any, cases of murder where the body is found completely without blood. I certainly do not think they rise as vampires themselves, as the vampire population seems far too small for this to be a possibility.

Vampire KillerCase #0100710Audio byJonathan SimsAuthorTrevor HerbertDate of Statement10th July 2010Date of Event1959, 1968, 1982LocationsManchesterMeta Info Audio Transcript Warnings Release date14th April 2016NavigationLast EpisodeA Father's LoveNext EpisodeDreamerStatement of Trevor Herbert, regarding his life as a self-proclaimed vampire hunter.

Trevor explained in his statement that he sees vampires as more animalistic than human-like. According to him they don't speak as they don't have space in their throat for anything except their tubular tongue, although they can communicate through some sort of telepathy or hypnosis. They can go out in daylight and don't reproduce by feeding, but he isn't sure how they dispose of bodies.

10 years later, in late June 1968, Trevor had discounted the events of his brother's death, blaming it on the trauma of his brother's passing, when he attempted to beg money off a couple. The man, one Robert Arden, communicated non-verbally that he'd not be getting any money, and Trevor realised this man was a vampire. He followed them back to the house and engaged the vampire before he killed his would-be victim. Robert Arden bit into Trevor's neck, but recoiled, which Trevor put down to the heroin still in his system, which he had abused for several years. The young woman came out and set about Robert with a kitchen knife, allowing Trevor time to drive an improvised wooden stake through Robert Arden's chest. The woman ran off and Trevor torched the body.

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The weapon debuted in the original NES/Famicon Castlevania game, but this wasn't its canonical origin story. It was created sometime before the events of the PlayStation 2 title Castlevania: Lament of Innocence, which is set in 1904, making it canonically the first game in the series. Here, Leon Belmont storms the castle of the vampire Walter Bernhard to save his betrothed, Sara. Before entering the castle, he's gifted a whip made from alchemy (creatively named the Whip of Alchemy) that is strong against the creatures of the night.

The appearance of the Vampire Killer changes even within the games it appears. In most games, its default appearance is a simple leather whip, with upgrades making it longer or transforming it into a chain whip or Morning Star. Its enchantment is effective not only against vampires but all manner of supernatural creatures, including so-called gods and even Death itself. Charms can also be added onto it to ward off evil spirits and beings, and other items can allow the Vampire Killer to utilize elemental abilities. Its length can also deflect projectile attacks and strike at out of reach enemies such as the flying heads of the Medusa.

In the 1990s, Ferrell and other teenagers formed a vampire cult. Ferrell told people he was a 500-year-old vampire and that he was immortal. In November 1996, Naomi Ruth Queen and Richard Wendorf were found beaten to death in their Eustis, Florida home. They were the parents of Heather Wendorf, a friend of Ferrell's. Ferrell was trying to help Wendorf run away from home. Wendorf claimed she did not ask Ferrell to commit the murders and was not at the home when the murders took place.

One day, he heard reports of people acting strangely and being incredibly sensitive to light. He then started hearing about sudden disappearances and vampires taking over towns. At this point he knew that they must be real. There were so many townspeople, good people, whose lives were taken by force and turned into a race that seeks to feast on the blood of others. "If this continues, soon everyone will become a vampire. I must stop this!" he said to himself.

Others had tried to kill vampires with normal guns, yet they were converted before they could succeed. He vigorously studied the history of vampires, their weaknesses and strengths. Armed with a bag of garlic, some holy water, a wooden stake and a silver knife, he packed up and left his town, travelling to other towns that had been overtaken by vampires. He was determined to end the vampire bloodline, before it was too late. (credit)

As the title suggests, the most prominent monsters in the Buffy bestiary are vampires, which are based on traditional myths, lore, and literary conventions. Although, as the series continues, Buffy and her companions face an increasing variety of demons and supernatural creatures, as well as unscrupulous humans. They frequently save the world from annihilation by a combination of physical combat, magic, and detective-style investigation, and are guided by an extensive collection of ancient and mystical reference books. be457b7860

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