Cheng-Te Li (李政德) @ NCKU

Short Bio. I am Professor at Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (資訊工程學系) also jointly appointed at Institute of Data Science (數據科學研究所) and Department of Statistics, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU, 成功大學), Tainan, Taiwan. I received my Ph.D. degree (2013) from Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia, National Taiwan University. Before joining NCKU, I was an Assistant Research Fellow (2014-2016) at Research Center for IT Innovation (CITI, 資創中心), Academia Sinica (中央研究院). Our research targets at Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Data Science with their applications to Social Networks, Recommender Systems, Trustworthy AI, Combating Fake News, Fraud Detection, Smart Cities, and Computational Health. Problems we tackle are inspired by real-world applications with massive datasets, and methods we present tend to be graph-based. I lead Networked Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (NetAI Lab) at NCKU.

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[徵才] Recruiting!! We are seeking for Postdoc Researcher (博士後研究員), research assistants (專任研究助理), and potential students (兼任研究助理). If you are passionate in learning the skills of Data Science / Machine Learning / Deep Learning, or interested in the applications of Trustworthy AI, Social Network, Social Media, Privacy/Security, Disinformation, Fraud Detection, Recommender Systems, Internet of Things, Smart City, and Computational Health, feel free to email me about the possibility to join us. For more details about our research, please visit my Research Topics.

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