4th International Workshop on

Mining Actionable Insights from Social Networks

April 20, 2020 - Taipei, Taiwan

Online program

The MAISoN 2020 format will be a bit different this year. We ask everyone to watch the keynote talk and 7 contributed talks before April 20. You can find the videos for each talk below in this page. Then, at 12.00 UTC (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/timezone/utc) we will have an online meeting via Zoom, for which you can use this URL:


We expect all authors to be present, and estimate the meeting to last between 60 and 90 minutes in total.

The goal of the meeting, which replaces the on-site workshop, is to discuss the keynote talk and contributed talks in order, and have a Q&A from the audience, similar to what we would have at the on-site event.

In this way, we aim to give the speakers the option to get feedback on their work, and perhaps find new ideas or new collaborations, which is after all one of the general aims of the MAISoN workshop: bringing researchers together.

Do feel free to also invite colleagues or students to attend your talk!

Keynote: Explainable Detection of Fake News and Cyberbullying on Social Media

by Cheng-Te Li

Accepted Papers

Hybrid Reciprocal Recommender Systems: Integrating Item-to-User Principles in Social Media Personalisation

James Neve and Ivan Palomares

A hierarchical clustering algorithm for characterizing social media users

Priyanka Sinha, Lipika Dey, Pabitra Mitra and Dilys Thomas

Mitigating Misinformation in Online Social Network with Top-k Debunkers and Evolving User Opinions

Akrati Saxena, Wynne Hsu, Mong Li Lee, Hai Leong Chieu, Lynette Ng and Loo-Nin Teow

On Twitter Purge: A Retrospective Analysis of Suspended Users

Farhan Asif Chowdhury, Lawrence R Allen, Mohammad Yousuf and Abdullah Mueen

Social Network Influence Ranking via Embedding Network Interactions for User Recommendation

Hongbo Bo, Ryan McConville, Jun Hong and Weiru Liu

Boosting recommender systems with advanced embedding models

Gjorgjina Cenikj and Sonja Gievska

Dynamic Network Modeling from Motif-Activity

Giselle Zeno, Timothy La Fond and Jennifer Neville