Chemotherapy Treatment Timelines Extraction
Registration and Data Access

Update: March 18 2024: Registration is now closed. As submissions are due in less than two weeks, we will not be able to initiate and complete any additional Data Use Agreements.  The information below is only for reference purposes.

Please complete the form below to register for the shared task. Information from this form will be used to initiate a request for a Data Use Agreement (DUA) between your institution and the University of Pittsburgh. The University of Pittsburgh's Office of Sponsored Programs will contact your institution to complete the necessary DUA. 

Once the legal paperwork is complete, we will tell you how to access the data in a direct email. Please, once you have the signed DUA send an email to the organizers at organizers-chemoTimelines [at] to let them know you are ready to access the data. Data download will utilize Globus. You will need either an institutional account or a free personal account. See Globus Get Started for details.

All communication regarding the distribution of data will be sent to the Principal Investigator's email. Please check your Principal Investigator's email address regularly.