Conference Objectives

For the fourth time, the Chemistry department of the University Djillali Liabes of Sidi Bel Abbes with the collaboration of the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung (Bonn, Germany) is  organizing a Humboldt-Kolleg in Algeria. The three previous Kollegs have been held in Oran in November 2008 and in December 2010. Then the TCSBS 2014 took place in Tlemcen. Presently, we plane to organize the FSRA 2024 in Algiers. 

The goal of such conferences is to act as a place to exchange information and knowledge among academic scientists. Experienced researchers including former Humboldt fellows from Europe and MENA region and young scientists will have the opportunity to share their experiences and results about all aspects of Fundamental Sciences and their resulting applications.

This conference will also provide an interdisciplinary forum for researchers to present innovations and discuss recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered, and the solutions adopted in science.

This event will offer a strong scientific program covering different aspects of sciences including mathematics, Nanosciences, Biosciences…. It will bring together an international audience interested in handling relevant topics.

The aim of the conference is also to promote the excellence in research and to encourage junior scientists to become outstanding researchers.


Chemistry and applications.



Biological process engineering.


Environmental Sciences.