In general, owing to school activities we come across various laboratory equipment and apparatus but many a time it is tough to distinguish between proper chemistry laboratory apparatus or biological laboratory apparatus or any other as such. The basic idea about the proper and necessary chemistry lab apparatus should be cleared among the students since the day they start performing basic chemical experiments in their school labs. This necessity acquaintance with the various apparatus makes strong ground knowledge of the students and the schools & colleges must take special care to make the students aware of these.

Let us see and try to understand the basic apparatus used in School chemistry laboratories and what are their specific uses when performing any chemical experiment. The first and foremost apparatus that every student or member entering the chemical laboratories should be aware of is of the safety apparatus. Safety protocols should be followed very strictly in these areas as a small mistake or misfortune can lead to big casualties and severe outcomes. One should always make sure to wear fully covered shoes and not sandals or slippers in any laboratory.

Chemistry Laboratory Equipment List Pdf Download

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These items are the basic and must apparatus of any chemistry laboratory. Along with these, we will also get to see weighing balance, brushes to clean test tubes, wash bottles which are also used for cleaning purposes. As these apparatuses serve the basic, every student must get familiar with all this equipment and their working to have safe and sound practical experiment experiences in the chemical laboratories.

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Science is the branch of knowledge that incorporates the organized study of physical and natural phenomena. The chemical sciences encompass the behavioral study of matter present around us with the help of observation and experimentation. The school curriculum of chemical sciences in most countries comprises of two parts: Theory and Practical. While theory provides students with the knowledge in literal form, practicals connect the theory with physical reality. Experimentation is an important part of the chemical sciences, as it helps in understanding the complex interplay of chemicals in more detail. A general facility that provides a controlled environment to conduct these experimentations is famously known by the name Laboratories in schools, institutions, or any other organization. While working in a chemistry lab, one comes across several kinds of apparatus that are required to carry out experiments. It is essential to understand the functioning of these apparatus, as an ineffectiveness not only increases the risk of experimental error but also poses a potential laboratory hazard. The following is a list of commonly used chemistry lab apparatus, along with their uses.

Working in a chemistry lab is always exciting and enlightening; however, it comes with the potential dangers of exposure to harmful chemicals. Hence it is always advised to be covered in the proper gear, also known as personal protective equipment (PPE), before entering the chemistry lab. The safety gear to work in the chemistry lab mainly comprises of three things:

Beakers are one of the most commonly used laboratory apparatus that one can come across in a chemistry lab. They are cylindrical, have a flat bottom, and a small spout on the top to pour chemicals. Beakers are usually made of borosilicate glass or plastic. While plastic beakers are only used to mix the chemicals, glass beakers have high thermal stability and can be used to heat chemicals also. Moreover, glass beakers provide more clarity for content visibility and measurement than their plastic counterparts. Beakers come in several sizes with volumes ranging from 5 milliliters to 10000 milliliters. Beakers are often used to hold, mix, and heat individual chemicals or chemical mixtures.

As the name suggests, a pear-shaped flask is laboratory glassware with V-shaped bottom, like an inverted pear. It is commonly used in organic chemistry for several heating purposes, such as evaporating solutions to dryness post-synthesis using a rotary evaporator and removing concentrated samples.

A separatory funnel, or separating funnel, is a piece of laboratory glassware used to separate two immiscible liquids with similar densities. It is a cone-shaped apparatus with a hemispherical head, a cylindrical tube outlet, and a Teflon stopper known as a stopcock. It comes in various sizes with volumes ranging from 30ml to 3Liters. It is well-known in organic chemistry for its application in the solvent extraction technique, commonly known as the liquid-liquid extraction technique. This technique is based on the concept of relative solubilities of chemical compounds. For instance, organic compounds like oils do not mix well with a polar solvent like water and can thus be separated using a separatory funnel. Water will settle in the separating funnel because it is denser than oil, while oil will float above it. Because the tap in a separating funnel has a thinner cross-section, the two layers are allowed to drip out individually, resulting in their separation.

Ring Stand is a piece of supporting equipment designed to hold other laboratory apparatus such as beakers, flasks, burets, etc. It is composed of a heavy stamped steel base on which a steel rod is vertically erected. Various holding equipment such as rings and clamps are screwed to the steel rod at desirable heights to hold the target equipment.

The Soxhlet apparatus is a piece of laboratory equipment used to extract lipids and other desired chemical compounds from solid materials. The apparatus is made up of various pieces, each of which serves a specific purpose in the extraction process. Depending on the chemical nature (e.g. polarity) of the solid sample, a suitable solvent is placed in a round bottom flask, which is subsequently heated to transform the solvent into vapor form. The sample solid is placed inside the soxhlet thimble, which is placed inside the soxhlet extraction chamber. The soxhlet extraction chamber is the main part of the soxhlet apparatus and it is placed in between the round bottom flask and the reflux condenser. The vaporized solvent rises from the round bottom flask, travels through the vapor tube of the soxhlet extraction chamber, and enters the reflux condenser. Inside the reflux condenser, the vapors liquefy and fall on the thimble containing the solid sample. The liquid solvent then penetrates the solid sample and extracts the lipid while returning to the round bottom flask via the siphoning tube. This procedure is repeated until the desired compound has been extracted from the sample. This method of lipid extraction has the added benefit of allowing the solvent to be reused while the extraction is being performed. Food testing, biofuels, and environmental studies are some of the practical applications of soxhlet extraction.

Chromatography refers to a collection of laboratory techniques used to separate mixtures. It entails passing a dissolved mixture through a stationary phase, which separates the analyte to be measured from other molecules in the mixture based on differential partitioning between the mobile and stationary phases. Column chromatography is a method of purifying chemicals based on their polarity or hydrophobicity. A mixture of molecules is separated in column chromatography based on their differential partitioning between a mobile phase and a stationary phase. The equipment used in this process is known as the chromatography column. It is a long cylindrical tube of glass with a tap at the end of it. The base of the tube is filled with a cotton or glass wool plug, or glass frit to hold the solid phase in place.

A standard list of basic laboratory safety rules are given below and must be followed in every laboratory that uses hazardous materials or processes. These basic rules provide hygiene and behavior safety information to avoid accidents in the laboratory. Laboratory specific safety rules may be required for processes, equipment, and materials, which should be addressed by laboratory standard operating procedures (SOPs).

The chemicals used in a high school chemistry lab are very similar to the ones used in a professional chemistry lab. The difference that comes to play is mostly personnel using the chemicals, procedures, rate of use and the environment. When conducting experiments with chemicals, proper procedures, safety precautions and disposal are essential. With this edition of our blog we list the essential chemicals needed to operate a high school chemistry lab along with the proper procedures that you might use for storage.

The various chemicals that need to be included and excluded from your list can be quite daunting. Luckily, we have taken the time to highlight and compile a comprehensive high school chemistry lab chemical list for you. Laboratory grade or higher for these chemicals would be the preferred choice:

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