The Chemistry Help Center (C2010) is on the second level of the Chemistry/Physics Building. The staff provide one-on-one assistance with labs as well as theory and problems related to your chemistry course. Study desks are provided; however, due to space limitations, we must restrict their use to the study of Chemistry. DROP BY AND LOOK AROUND.

This course and the associated laboratory, CHEM 1011, together (4 credit hours) satisfy a General Education Natural Science requirement for students majoring in social sciences, humanities, fine arts, business, and education. CHEM 1010 and 1011 are required for B. S. Engineering Technology majors. This course will not be credited toward a major in any of the physical sciences, biological sciences, mathematics, or engineering.

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Students whose program of study requires them to take CHEM 1110, General Chemistry 1 (science majors and those preparing for health professional schools), but who lack adequate background may take this course, CHEM 1010, as preparation, and must take MATH 1710 concurrently if it or a higher MATH course has not already been completed.

Course Description: Measurement and the scientific method; states of matter; fundamental laws of chemistry; modern atomic theory; water and aqueous solutions; oxidation-reduction and acid-base reactions; nuclear chemistry; energy and materials in modern society; environmental impact and sustainability. Three lecture hours per week; 3 credit hours.

Description: This course introduces individuals to a variety of chemistry-related knowledge and experience and is designed to give non-majors a glimpse at chemistry and how it relates to the world around them. As a general education course, it relates chemistry to the real world experience and gives the student an opportunity to investigate chemical principles in their life. It gives the student a feeling for how scientists view problems and the systematic method by which they solve them. Discussion topics are chosen from physical, organic, and biological areas inside the chemistry field. 

Assumes no previous knowledge of chemistry. Presents the foundations of chemistry to students who need preparation for further study in chemistry as well as to students who only want to take an introductory course. Covers chemical measurements, atomic structure, formulas, chemical reactions and equations, chemical nomenclature, stoichiometry, molecules and chemical bonding, gas laws, liquids, solids, solutions, acids and bases.

A lab designed to accompany CHEM 1010. Provides practical experience to support chemistry foundational learning. Emphasizes chemical measurements, atomic structure, formulas, chemical reactions and equations, chemical nomenclature, stoichiometry, molecules and chemical bonding, gas laws, liquids, solids, solutions, acids and bases. Course lab fee of $31 applies.

Introduces the fundamentals of chemistry to students in the health sciences. Covers chemical measurements and calculations, atomic structure, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, states of matter, solutions, chemical equilibrium, acid-base systems, and introduces organic chemistry.

Introduces organic and biochemistry for non-chemistry majors entering nursing and other allied health fields such as medical technology, physical therapy, nutrition, and environmental technology. Studies the nomenclature of organic compounds, organic functional groups and their reactivities, stereochemistry, major biomolecules and their metabolism, enzymes, chemical communications, and chemistry of heredity. May also be used to prepare for organic chemistry (CHEM 2310 and 2320).

An introductory organic bio-chemistry laboratory class for non-chemistry majors who need a laboratory to accompany Elementary Organic Bio-Chemistry (CHEM 1120). Explores identifications and reactions of organic functional groups and conducts experiments with biomolecules. Course Lab fee of $80 applies.

First semester of a full-year course primarily for students in the physical and biological sciences and engineering. Covers fundamentals of chemistry including atoms, molecules, reactions, stoichiometry, chemical bonding, thermochemistry, and gas laws.

Continuation of Chemistry 1210. Primarily for students in the physical and biological sciences and engineering. Covers intermolecular interactions, properties of solutions, kinetics, equilibria, thermodynamics, and electrochemistry.

Is designed for the physical and biological sciences and engineering. Teaches intermolecular interactions, properties of solutions, kinetics, equilibria, thermodynamics, and electrochemistry. Follows CHEM 1215 and emphasizes topics from CHEM 1220. Course Lab fee of $42 applies.

The first in a series of two organic chemistry classes for students majoring in science and for those interested in careers in medicine, dentistry, veterinary science, and pharmacy, who must complete two semesters of organic chemistry. Teaches bonding and structures of organic molecules. Explores the relationship between structure and reactivity of organic functional groups. Introduces the concepts of nomenclature, stereochemistry, and reaction mechanism. Canvas Course Mats $84/Wiley applies.

The first of a series of two laboratory courses to accompany CHEM 2310 and 2320. For students majoring in science and those interested in careers in medicine, dentistry, veterinary science, and pharmacy. Introduces safety in organic chemistry lab and chemical waste disposal. Teaches basic separatory, purification, and analytical techniques in organic chemistry such as crystallization, melting points, distillation and chromatography. Introduces organic synthesis using simple organic reactions. Introduces natural product isolation. Course Lab fee of $88 applies.

For Chemistry majors and others interested in the basic principles of chemical measurement. Studies principles of quantitative analysis, stoichiometry, equilibrium theory, and volumetric analysis. Introduces error analysis and instrumental methods, especially electrochemistry, spectrophotometry, chromatography, and mass spectrometry

For Chemistry majors and others interested in the basic principles of chemical measurement. Laboratory companion to CHEM 3000. Involves conducting experiments in quantitative and qualitative analysis, including volumetric and gravimetric analysis. Also, students will conduct experiments in introductory instrumental methods, including experiments in spectrophotometry, electrochemistry, and chromatography. Course Lab fee of $146 applies.

Offers an advanced discussion of the laws of thermodynamics and chemical thermodynamics. Applies the laws to chemical reactions and equilibrium. Covers changes of state, including phase diagrams. Discusses real gases and real solutions. Introduces electrochemistry and chemical kinetics.

Demonstrates physical chemistry experiments exploring principles and concepts introduced in CHEM 3060. Teaches design and execution of physical chemistry experiments and interpretation of the observations, as well as application of physical chemistry to solving physical chemistry problems. Course lab fee of $75 applies.

Demonstrates physical chemistry experiments exploring principles and concepts. Provides opportunity to design and execute physical chemistry experiments and interpretation of the observations. Applies physical chemistry to solving physical chemistry problems.

Teaches the fundamentals of statistical mechanics and chemical kinetics, as well as the fundamentals of the specialized topics of the physical chemistry of chemical symmetry, computational chemistry, NMR spectroscopy, and electrochemistry.

Explores principles and concepts introduced in CHEM 3100. Teaches design and execution of inorganic chemistry experiments and interpretation of the observations. Uses application of inorganic chemistry to solving inorganic chemistry problems. Course Lab fee of $130 applies.

Introduces laboratory techniques in biochemistry. Studies methods and theory behind purification of proteins and nucleic acids including chromatography and electrophoresis. Uses methods in assessing enzyme activity and kinetics and protein structure analysis. Includes analysis and manipulation of DNA and RNA. Course Lab fee of $145 applies.

Is a continuation of CHEM 3600. Teaches in-depth the biochemistry of molecular and cell biology processes. Explores the topics of molecular information flow and signaling. Examines current understanding in biochemical methods and ideas beyond those discussed in Biochem I.

Introduces nuclear and radiochemistry, stressing the fundamentals of nuclear structure, systematics of nuclear decay, the detection and measurement of radiation, radiation protection, and the role of nuclear chemistry in medical, environmental and scientific applications. Discusses nuclear fuel cycles and nuclear waste problems.

Explores integrated topics in organic, inorganic, physical, solid-state, and biochemistry using advanced theory. Enables hands-on use and manipulation of state-of-the-art instrumentation. Examines primary chemistry literature, and involves substantial problem solving using spectroscopic and spectrometric data.

Exposes students to integrated topics in organic, inorganic, physical, solid-state, and biochemistry using advanced theory. Enables hands-on use and manipulation of state-of-the-art instrumentation. Immerses students in the primary chemistry literature, and involves substantial problem solving using spectroscopic and spectrometric data. Taken as a corequiste with CHEM 4600. Course lab fee of $204 applies.

Provides supervised, practical, and research experience for students preparing for careers in chemistry. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours as per school standards. May be graded credit/no credit.

Conducts research on a project determined by the student jointly with a chemistry faculty and approved by the Chemistry Department Chair. Emphasizes experimental technique, data collection and analysis, and preparation of research for presentation to an audience of peers. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits toward graduation. ff782bc1db

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