
MBA 616 had five projects to complete, allowing the students to learn how to use and apply common data analysis tools in their everyday lives. We used Microsoft Excel, Tableau, Simile, and IBM SPSS Modeler to create projects that were relevant to us. Below are a few projects I enjoyed working on. 

This project allowed me to learn how to use Excel's Scenario Manager to determine if a doughnut shop should start selling muffins. It ran multiple scenarios to help make an important business decision.

Tableau is a visual analytics platform that gives users the power to solve problems by using data. You could solve simple problems like are cats or dogs are more popular in a specific area or more complex ones like where to build a new office location. 

Excel Solver allowed for me to determine the optimal production arrangement for a golf club business. After running this analysis the company could determine how to increase profits. 

Group Project: Simile Dynamic Simulation