Cheer HEAR

In support of Human Equity, Access & Relations 


San Gabriel's Human Equity, Access and Relation (HEAR) Commission was created to advance positive intergroup relations. We are residents, parents, students, teachers, business owners and volunteers of San Gabriel who support the work of the HEAR Commission. 

HEAR Commission's History and Future

In San Gabriel Valley, the HEAR Commission is the first of its kind. It is as an advisory body to the City Council. The HEAR Commission's purpose is to advance and advocate for equity, access, diversity, social justice, safety, mutual appreciation, increased cultural competency, positive inter-group relations, and respect for all members of the San Gabriel community

Created in 2020 in the wake of a student-led march to raise awareness about race relations in the wake of the George Floyd killing, community members met to create a positive space for the city to promote a more equitable, inclusive and respectful community for everyone. To learn more about the history of HEAR Commission's creation and the Council support for the Commission, click the History button above. 

In a short time, the HEAR Commission has worked to build stronger community relations with the Asian American community in the face of anti-Asian attacks, increase access to mental health resources with the Mental Health Expo, and bridge indigenous recognition through a land acknowledgement initiative. To learn more about the many projects of HEAR, check out the official website: HEAR Commission | San Gabriel, CA - Official Website ( or click the Accomplishments button above. 

Today, the fate of the HEAR Commission is at risk.  If you care about San Gabriel as a home that welcomes all, please join us in supporting the HEAR Commission.


To find out how to help support HEAR, click on the Events button above.