
Welcome to the CheekyFlying website! First of all, thank you for spending your time for visiting this website and I hope you've subscribed to the channel (go sub if you haven't tq). 

Now, let's cut to the chase. Why the website? 

The CheekyFlying Website aims to solve and fulfill any requirements and requests from you guys regarding most of the stuff that I showcased in my videos. The reason to why I am not publishing to the public-public yet is because most of them are still a WIP and I figured that it wouldn't be a good thing to do on my part to publish a half-baked addon. So think of this platform as an "early access" to my yet-to-be-published addons. 

As such, be aware that the addons that are available for download here will not be of high quality and accuracy. They're meant to be a prototype of some sorts and their final iteration will both be shared here on this site and on public forums.

On a side note, the stuff that  I will be publishing here will be available for free but I also have prepared a Buy me a coffee page if you guys want to support me even further. It's not necessary! But it is welcomed :)

Have Fun!


Additional Architectures & Landmarks

Airline Liveries
