Paypal Background Check

Paypal Background Check

An individual's criminal arrest might appear on your background check, based on a number of factors.

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If you don't have a record expunged, it might stay with a person's background check record indefinitely. Having said that, some kinds of documents are restricted under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, a law safeguarding individual rights in credit reporting. This law includes a so called 7 year rule, that mandates that civil suits, civil judgments, criminal arrest reports in addition to paid taxes liens be stripped away from a consumer report following 7 years. This applies to every state within the Usa. Several states actually go even farther with the laws and don't allow reporting of those reports at all. Therefore what about criminal prosecutions? In many states, they aren't controlled by the Seven year policy.

We hold ourselves to our One Team Behaviors which demand that we hold the highest ethical standards, to empower an open and diverse workplace, and strive to treat everyone who is touched by our business with dignity and respect.

Our primary purpose in collecting personal information is to provide you with a smooth and efficient experience in applying for a job with us. Your submitted application and any additional personal information will be used to:

Whether you’re single, in a growing family or nearing retirement, PayPal offers a variety of comprehensive and competitive benefit programs.

Our people are empowered to innovate constantly and to compete fiercely. Our shared behaviors guide us to be open, honest, and direct. We believe in the power of inclusion and opportunity. Diversity matters because it makes us stronger and better and it's the right thing to do. We are proud to work here. You will be too.

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