NC State Background Check
NC State Background Check
When interviewing for work, you might need to answer questions about an individual's criminal record, driving history, as well as other elements and circumstances a supervisor may possibly consider useful. Even though these things do not have anything to do with the job, these things display a persons character. Look at your individual background check and public record information information at
See Your Background History On This Link: Easy and quick.
Arrest Records. A number of states do not allow inquiries about arrest documents past a certain point in a person's history. Other states only allow criminal records check ups for some jobs for example jobs in the financial sector and / or dealing with youngsters. Driving History. Inspect your car history by asking for a copy of the report through the state Dmv.
NC State University is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment -
The incoming employee should reach out to their Benefits Consultant to discuss options related to retirement and disability selection choices -
Health and NCFlex Benefits -
The HR Information Management (HRIM) team will use the information entered into the electronic background disclosure form to reach out to the most recent state agency to have any applicable leave balances transferred -
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