Writing Custom Code For Strategy Wizard

Writing Custom Code For Strategy Wizard

Writing Custom Code For Strategy Wizard

Writing custom code for Strategy Wizard is not rocket science but it does require that you have some time and expertise in that field. The most common way to do it is to simply copy and paste a few lines from one of the templates found on the website. If you do not want to copy and paste, you can use the built in macros to accomplish all of your strategy wizard job without needing to write anything. In this article I will explain a couple of ways to make it easier to write custom code for Strategy Wizard.

There are two sections to the strategy wizard. One area has all of the pre-defined macros and the other section is where you can write your own macro. There are six pre-defined macros in total that are required when using this method.

These three area macros are the currency, indicators, and ratios. You can also customize these to suit your needs. Most people choose to utilize all three area macros as they work very well.

The third area macro is the buy and sell ratio. This macro will allow you to place the bid price for a trade at any point in time in order to determine whether it is profitable or not. This is an important macro because it can help you keep an eye on a currency's fluctuations as well as its trends and predict whether it will continue or change direction.

The fourth macro is the currency indicator. This allows you to see the movement of a currency's major currencies over time. It is basically a bar graph that allows you to determine a currency's growth. It is very useful if you are hedging currencies and want to see how much they are worth at any point in time.

Forex scalping is another way to use the strategy wizard to write your own macros. The most common way to do this is to use the multiple orders option found in the trading interface. Using this you can place multiple orders at once or split them up into more frequent orders.

When writing custom code for Strategy Wizard, you need to remember that every part of your business goal is being measured. You want to design a system that will give you the information you need while having it be easy to use.