Who Needs Symmetric Bandwidth Most

A business cannot afford to have downtime. Every second lost is a loss of opportunity and valuable time. And every second saved is an investment. For businesses that require a consistent workflow, internet leased line is ideal. Cheap leased line internet is monetarily efficient as they offer a reliable connectivity in a competent price. As the leased lines are not shared they are secure -something a business cannot compromise on. The fact that they use symmetric bandwidth guarantee a consistent speed and that there will not be no outage.

One will buy the point that dedicated lines are safe, but one may still want to know how symmetric bandwidth will help a business if one can download more on asymmetric bandwidth. For a small or large company where files are transferred internally upload and download takes place mostly at the same rate. A scheduled work process needs a reliable speed and no downtime. A compromise with consistency just to get a higher bandwidth will only cut down on other more important factors that can interrupt the workflow. Unless a very huge number of employees have to continuously upload or share files or stream online, for which they may require huge bandwidth, Symmetric bandwidth, can very well suffice the need of a company in a more secure and reliable manner with fairly good speed.

How do you decide whether symmetric bandwidth’s speed is sufficient for your company?

If a huge number of employees use internet from the same building, like in thousand, you will require more bandwidth. Or if heavy files are being downloaded and there is no requirement of upload speed or quality, one can do with asymmetric bandwidth. The first type can be a requirement for personal usage and the second can be an example of a company whose work mostly involves heavy downloads to work at the backend.

If the business requirement is meeting deadlines, or maintaining a scheduled pattern of work, or consistent file upload and download from and to the same source, or for students and content creators who has a set number of upload and download to be done, symmetric bandwidth is ideal.